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Finding Paradise: Study Abroad in Italy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

would think that by my ninth week here I would no longer be amazed by everything around me.  But, it seems that the more time passes the more amazed I am by this city and by its’ culture.  

Let me paint this picture for you.  Right now, as I write this, I am sitting at an outdoor café, surrounded by strangers.  A mixture of tourists and residents, lovers and friends, families and strangers.  The sun is slowly setting, creating an indescribable, move-like setting.  Horses attached to carriages add to this dream I suddenly feel I am in.  

If that wasn’t enough, in the last five minutes, I have been able to hear at least five different languages being spoken.  The culture that surrounds me never ceases to astonish me and as the laughter of children fills the air, I think to myself that if paradise exists, I must be in it.  

For a
moment in time I find myself lost in thought.  I find myself rid of worries, rid of hardship, rid of questions.  You see, lately I have been nervous about my summer plans.  And as my roommates get interviews with various companies, I worry about what I want from life.  I worry about my future, but in this moment of pure simplicity, there are no worries about what the future holds, there is only now.  

Living in Italy has taught me a new appreciation for life.  It has taught me to live life to the fullest.  Here, time passes faster than I could have ever expected and it teaches me to appreciate everything around me, to take in every moment and every experience.  It teaches me that these are the moments I want to remember.  These little things are the simple things, the beautiful things that I want to remember and appreciate for the rest of my life.  

Elyssa also has a study abroad blog: http://weliveintheduomo.tumblr.com/