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Easy and Exciting Ways to Reinvent Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Whether you’re a freshman roaming East Halls, or a senior wondering how it all went by so fast, one thing remains true for all us: we are about to begin yet another chapter in the journey most people refer to as the “best four years of your life.” Although college is an incredible experience (especially at Penn State) it is up to you to make it as memorable and amazing as it can be. College is a time when most girls have to face the conflict of figuring out exactly who it is we are, especially at a school as big as Penn State.

College is a time to explore. You have the ability to explore who you have been and who you have the possibility of becoming. With the start of each year, you have the chance to spice up your life by making changes to yourself and the activities you are involved in. These little tweaks can help you gain more confidence and fully embrace your college experience at Penn State.

It’s time to make your mark on campus, to try new things and to explore.

Change your hairstyle.
Changing your hair will make you look and feel like a whole new woman.  Try a new cut, or get bangs, which are huge trend this fall and can make you look instantly chic. You could also color your hair lighter, or darken it. No matter what change you make people around you will definitely notice and you’ll start to shine with a bolder, more daring appeal. It takes guts to risk changing your hair, and doing so will immediately give you the vibrant confidence and change you desire.

Get one fabulous article of clothing. You know that signature mini dress that everybody instantly falls in love with at first sight? Buy it. Everyone will immediately recognize you and for one night, you’ll be able to unleash the glamour of your celebrity-self and embrace your inner rock star. Plus, compliments on your fabulous outfit days after you wear it never hurt either.

Join a club. Or two. Or three… What better way to reinvent yourself than to become involved in something outside your comfort zone? Not only does this include the excitement of being exposed to new people, but you may make discoveries about yourself you never thought you would. Who knew that you were actually awesome at volleyball? Or that you would be the next person planning concerts at the HUB? At a school with endless possibilities, take advantage of all that is offered. At the end of the day, you’ll feel rewarded for taking on a challenge realizing the fearless female you actually are.

Try a new place to eat. You may surprise yourself. Go to Cozy Thai Bistro on Allen Street or to Karma Indian Cuisine on Beaver Avenue. It’s like a mini study abroad trip that you don’t even have to leave State College for. Being exposed to cultures other than your own may cause you to identify with them, allowing you to grow as a person
and learn a little something about yourself along the way.

Some adventures never hurt, especially when on the quest for a new you.