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Dorm Room Fitness 101

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Do you want to work out but just can’t find the time? Hate going to the gym to workout in front of EVERYONE? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This five-step workout will help you reach your ideal body right in the comfort of your dorm room.

To begin, make sure to start of with a light stretch to stimulate your muscles and a bottle of water or sports drink to help you replenish during your exercises.

Step 1: Chair Squats

Squats are a perfect way to tone your legs and round your bum. Chair squats gives you the ability to focus on the strength in your legs by controlling your landing. The work from your quads and hamstrings also positively enhances your bum.

For this step: Use your desk or longue chair for quick switch reps (preferably one second) for 30 seconds. This quick twitch exercise will get your adrenaline pumping and ready for work. 

Take a minute and 30-second rest before completing the next step.

Step 2: Planks

Planks are probably your least favorite, but it is also one of the most ideal exercises that work your arms, abs and legs all at once. This exercise doesn’t require anymore than an open space a little bigger than you.

For this exercise: Place your palms on a comfortable surface while lifting yourself with your feet (if you’re feeling a tad advanced, use your forearms to hold you instead of your palms). Hold for 40 seconds, you can do it girls!

Take a minute and 30-second rest before completing the next step.

Step 3: Bridge Stand Kicks

The Bridge kick is another way to use the core muscles of your body to your advantage. This exercise is great for your arms, abs, legs and butt.

For this exercise: Use your feet to lift yourself, then your arms to keep balance. Once you’ve positioned yourself, try to keep the “top of the bridge” as straight as possible while kicking out one foot at a time. Continue this motion for 30 seconds. Feel the burn!


Take a minute and 30-second rest before completing the next step.

Step 4: Mountain Climbers

Some of you may remember this from your high school gym class… or not. Whichever the case, these mountain climbers are just steps away from your new hot body. This is another exercise that is sure to work your arms, abs, legs and butt.

For this exercise: Place yourself into the plank position (palms on the floor), next bring your right leg to your left arm then place your foot back in plank position. Complete with the other leg to complete one rep. Continue this exercise for 40 seconds but no jumping!

Take a minute and 30-second rest before completing the next step.

Step 5: Lunges

Lunges, the old fashioned technique to a nice firm butt… oh, and other stuff too. Let’s face it, spring break is right around the corner and it’s not always easy to turn down those chocolate chip cookies. This exercise will mold you butt into a nice shape while toning your legs as well.

For this exercise: Position yourself in a kneeling position without allowing your back knee to touch the floor. Complete again on the opposite leg to complete one rep. Continue this exercise for 40 seconds.

This is the end of one complete cycle. The complete workout consists of 4 complete cycles. Take between five to ten minutes rest between each cycle. These steps are simply the fundamentals of the workout but feel free to adjust the workout to your personal preference. The best part about this workout is it only takes a couple minutes out of your day and can be completed several times throughout the week!

Oh, and don’t forget to complete a thorough stretch at the end of your workout. Cramps are no fun. 

Good luck girls! 

Born and raised by two Nittany Lions, Rachel continued the tradition by attending Penn State University in the fall of 2009. Currently a senior journalism major, Rachel also spends her time minoring in both psychology and Spanish. During her sophomore year she wrote for the Greek newspaper at Penn State as a member of Alpha Xi Delta, followed by joining the Her Campus team as a writer and the Public Relations/Social Media Manager in the fall of her junior year. In search of mastering the Spanish language, Rachel indulged herself in the country of Spain for five months while she studied abroad in the city of Alicante during the spring of 2012. In order to keep her English up to par, Rachel blogged about her experiences for both her personal account and Her Campus at Penn State. With a love for shoes, smiles, and a good bowl of mac and cheese, this social media fiend never leaves her twitter by its lonesome. Follow Rachel @hayhayitsrayray as she pursues her dream as an aspiring magazine editor and world traveler.