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Dear Charlotte Russe, You’ve Ruined My Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Dear Charlotte Russe,

Honey, what are you doing? Closing down your stores in malls, I can understand. But, your online store?

For those of you who don’t shop (or didn’t shop…) at Charlotte Russe, the company is going out of business. They’ve filed for bankruptcy. BANKRUPTCY. It hurts just writing that.

Charlotte Russe has been in our lives since 1975. They’ve been making the jeans I’ve only just recently fell in love with. But, they’re not the only store that have been filing for bankruptcy and closing down stores.

The clothing store, Sears, has been closing down stores, too. Things aren’t the same now as it has been in the past for these kind of stores. Things are changing. I wish they weren’t, but honestly, I’ll find another place to get jeans.

BUT STILL… Charlotte Russe had the cutest clothes. To put into reference why I’m so upset: I’m a bit on the chunkier side. I’m not skinny. And all my life it has been a struggle to find jeans that make me feel good. And I finally found the brand of jeans that I like.

Charlotte Russe.

The clothes fit me so well and Charlotte Russe helped me find my style. I mean, I don’t have great sense of style, but the clothes I got from them are cute and simple and I feel comfortable in them.

So, even though they’ve made me happy in a lot of ways (or, maybe just one because of how pretty the clothes were and how they made me feel), they still ruined my life by closing their stores. So. Not. Cool.

Charlotte Russe, please find someone else to sell your beautiful, affordable clothes. Don’t leave me so soon.

Much love,

A now-shopping-at-Walmart college student

"For me, being American-Latina means identifying with and being influenced by both my American upbringing and my Latin heritage, and I have so much appreciation for how those two cultures have created who I am." - Camila Mendes I'm a Junior, Broadcast Journalism major with a minor in Spanish; I'm very vocal and active in the Latinx community at Penn State and believe everyone's voice should be heard! Todo es pa' la cultura!
Aisha is currently a senior at Penn State University, studying Telecommunications in the Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications. She is a contributing writer and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Penn State and her hobbies are reading, listening to music, and watching hockey. Originally hailing from Jakarta, Indonesia, her dream for the future is to someday be part of the book publishing industry, digital marketing or work on a media team for a sports team.