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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

With colder weather quickly arriving in State College, Penn State students are finding its time to break out the sweaters and scarves. Luckily, bundling up doesn’t mean sacrificing style. Check out how one collegiate girl dresses to impress without catching a cold.

Name: Jacqueline Till

Year: Junior

Major: Public Relations

What she’s wearing: white top from H&M, pink Express sweater, black leggings from Lulu Lemon, patterned scarf from Urban Outfitters, and black leather boots from Nordstrom.

HC: Do you dress up everyday?

Jacqueline: I have early classes everyday so it’s hard to get up and get an outfit together all the time, but I do on busy days when I know I’ll be seeing a lot of people or talking to professors. 

HC: What’s your favorite cold weather accessory?

Jacqueline: Scarves or headbands. They both add a little something extra to your outfit. 

Torri Singer is an undergrad student at Penn State University. She is a broadcast journalism major and loves all things creative, so when she joined the PSU HC chapter she knew it was right up her alley. Her favorite topics to cover include lifestyle, pop culture, relationships and current events. When she isn't writing or editing she loves trying her hand at photography and recently won second place in the national Society of Professional Journalism award for her photography coverage of Hurricane Sandy. Torri is currently interning in New York City in the creative services department of WPIX Chanel 11 News as well as writing editorial pieces for The Two River Times Newspaper in New  Jersey. After graduation she hopes to be heading to live in New York City, her favorite place in the world.