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Ciao bellas: Studying abroad in Italy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Well, the time is here. Not just any time, THE time. You know, the time when you live in another country for four months with your best friend
and hundreds of other college kids? I know, it doesn’t seem real to me either. But it’s about to happen, in Italy nonetheless. The country often referred to among the most beautiful in the world.  

As I sit at the airport gate anxiously awaiting to board, the past few days flash through my mind.  But what’s most important is that all the stress of packing, saying goodbyes and wondering if I packed the right underwear all got me here: to the beginning of one of the greatest journeys of my life.

I will eat. I will laugh. I will have adventure. I will most certainly never hold back. The best part is, I have no idea what I’m in for, and I don’t want to know. I’m about to fly literally into the unexpected and I’ve never been more ready. But, Italy is country of beautiful architecture, warm culture, endless pizza and wine, so I’m thinking I’ll be just fine.

So stay tuned ladies, because this collegiate is looking to live with no limits, the Italian way. Ciao for now!