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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Witchiness is in the air and although spooky season has officially come to an end that doesn’t mean its presence won’t continue to linger. Throughout the month of October, the girls were tapping into creativity from elaborate costumes to immersive décor, but beyond such they were tapping into their own spiritual and mental growth. 

It’s time to reflect on your level of witchiness from this past spooky season and see how you can embody such into the next. 

Throughout history witches have been painted to be figures of manipulative evil, hence the Salem Witch Trials, yet in all actuality they are the raw representative of female empowerment. 

And yes, maybe they scared us as children with their green skin and bulging warts, but these ladies live unapologetically and clearly don’t feel the need for a dermatologist.

October is prime time for witching energy. With the uprising of Halloween, they are the figure head and staple piece to any film, function, or festivity pertaining to the season. 

Diving into the beauty of film, it gives you the space to further examine the enchantresses and their iconic features. From humorous, satirical portrays like “Hocus Pocus,” to the playful family dynamics of “Halloweentown” and “Twitches,” to the dark and harrowing adaptions of “The Craft” and “Practical Magic,” cinema plays a major role in portraying the power of the witch.  

The versatility of emotion these films convey is astounding. These pictures focus on female protagonists or antagonists who take charge of the conflictions that come their way. Aligning and resonating with these characters allows us to find our own sense of capability and worth to combat challenges. 

Alongside such there is no denying the witchy playlists on Spotify. Nothing tops unveiling your inner witchy side then through the tunes of music. Stevie Nicks, the leader singer of the 1970s classic rock band Fleetwood Mac, takes the cake.   

On stage she personifies an aurora of zen that is contagious to all in the crowd as she performs in beautiful garments that glow of bohemian touch. Her music and lyrics speak to unmended hearts with feminine rage and magic. 

Nicks embodies the raw emotionality of what it means to be a female, and the baggage that can come with such, especially working in a male dominated industry. She is a witchy icon who has set the standard and is deserving of a listen. 

Tap into the essence of the witch through some witchy playlists!

Channeling your inner witchy woman can be accented through your clothing, how you carry yourself and what you pursue to grow yourself. Adventuring with sequins, scarfs and layers can bring about a witch inspired look, but ultimately taking your own creative initiative and developing your own stylistic vision is just as on par. 

What better way to harken your witch side than some good ole manifestation. Picking up journaling, immersing yourself in the serenity of nature and surrounding yourself with some fellow witchy women who are always down to crack open the spell book is the key to a life of flourishing and fullness. 

Witches come in all shapes and sizes with a fire that sparks from within. Concocting poisons and casting spells, they are cultivators of their own visions. They are the blueprint of manifestation and the embodiment of uniqueness. These powerful characters are ones that can be translated and applied into our own being. 

Brooke is a first-year student at Penn State University studying Public Relations with a minor in Digital Media Trends + Analytics. When not writing for Her Campus @ PSU, she is always down for a beach excursion, afternoon picnic, or thrift trip! Beyond such she’s a musical girl at heart, classic rock and disco are her ultimate favorites :) Constantly looking to radiate positivity, Brooke loves to be involved in her community & school. She is an avid advocate for Mental Health and pushes to bring about such awareness through the power of writing. As a panelist of Her Campus, she anticipates making memories and forming longlasting bonds with this wonderful group. She hopes her pieces prove to be a safe space for all to feel welcomed, loved, and freed to share a smile :)