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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

If there are any good show left on Netflix, “Bojack Horseman” is one of them. While everyone has their own take on each of the characters, here is my take on the characters of Bojack Horseman:

Princess Carolyn

Princess Carolyn is a determined publicist agent who works for Bojack Horseman. She works effortlessly to make sure everything runs smoothly and loves what she does.

She makes sure to help people whenever she cans and shows exemplary patience with many of her demanding clients. She also is loved by many characters and has always been a person for many to lean on.

While like many of the characters she faces deep personal issues, she always learns to rise above them and respect herself through the process.

Mr. Peanutbutter

Mr. Peanutbutter is the comedic relief throughout the series. He brings a lot of light and laughter to the other characters.

While he goes through personal issues such as divorce, he always knows how to keep on smiling. Through the bad, he always knows how to be a good friend and make people feel better.

All and all, Mr. Peanutbutter is one of the best characters of the TV series.

Diane Nguyen

Diane Nguyen is one of the most complex characters in the entire show. She starts off as Bojack Horseman’s ghostwriter for his new memoir.

From then on, Nguyen gets introduced to the world of fame and celebrities. She ends up meeting infamous Mr. Peanutbutter and falls in love.

She marries Mr. Peanutbutter and finds herself living in his home in “Hollywoo.” Nguyen is more of an introvert and finds difficulty in her newfound social life.

Despite her hard time getting adjusted to her new life, she is one of the characters with the most morals and good values.


Hollyhock is the newly found sister of Bojack Horseman. When introduced to the show she stays with Bojack in search for her biological mother. Originally, Hollyhock was under the notion that Bojack was her father.

In later seasons, it comes to light that Bojack is actually her biological half brother. She goes through one of the toughest battles and comes out the other end stronger than ever.

She is one of the sweetest characters in the entire show and leaves a positive mark on the characters she meets.


Todd is one of the comedic relief characters. There is not much complexity to his character but he never fails to make the people around him intrigued.

Todd doesn’t have much backstory or family but finds friendship with Bojack Horseman. While Todd is not respected by Bojack he never fails to stay a loyal friend.

Yes, he gets pushed around a lot by many of the characters. But Todd is one of the most creative and resilient characters in the entire series.

Sarah Lynn

Sarah Lynn is one of the most important characters of the story. She was formerly known as Bojack Horseman’s TV daughter on their show “Horsing Around.”

Lynn entered the world of fame hard and fast. At first she was able to thrive under the spotlight and was offered several opportunities.

Unfortunately, she got so consumed in the fame that she turned to drugs and alcohol to cope. Lynn fell down a slippery slope and unfortunately lost her life to drugs.

Her life was short lived and left a big whole in the hearts of many.


Henrietta, while never fully exposed, plays a big role in the family dynamic of the Horseman family. She is the family maid of the Horsemans.

While that role may seem insignificant, she alters the lives of Beatrice and Butterscotch, Bojack’s parents. Henrietta allows herself to be seduced by Butterscotch while working for him and finds herself pregnant.

She comes to Beatrice for support and resentfully, Beatrice obliges. Henrietta is not the worst character but she does play a role in a major conflict in the story.

bojack horseman

Bojack Horseman, the star of the show, is a very complex character. He grew up in a toxic family where he was constantly neglected. He turned to alcohol and drugs as a way to cope when he moved out of his family’s house.

He had became unreachable, unapproachable and unreliable to almost everyone. He had started becoming comfortable with disappointing others so that no one ever expected anything from him.

However, he has an amazing character development when he meets his sister, Hollyhock. Hollyhock is a very sweet girl who is staying with Bojack in order to look for her biological mother.

Hollyhock brings out something in Bojack that no one knew was possible. Bojack finally realized that he could do right by her as her brother.

He is ranked eighth place simply for his character development later in the series.

Beatrice Horseman

Beatrice Horseman is one of the most complex characters of the TV series. While she is not mentioned too frequently in the series, in season four episode 11 we get a full back story on why Beatrice was who she was.

Beatrice grew up in a home where women were less than the men and not respected in the household. Her mother was never present in her life as she had been subjected to a lobotomy in her earlier years.

During her life she is subjected to a transactional marriage and ended up marrying a neglectful and abusive man. Her life was undoubtedly full of misfortune and unfairness, but as a result of that she unloaded all of that trauma onto her son, Bojack.

Beatrice relentlessly tormented and belittled Bojack until the very end. At the very last stage of her life, she had been diagnosed with dementia and could hardly remember her life or her family — maybe for her that wasn’t such a bad thing.

Despite her difficult backstory, Beatrice became an awful person and let herself pass on her negative traits to her son who only had ever wanted her to love him.

butterscotch horseman

Butterscotch is the father of Bojack Horseman and the husband of Beatrice Horseman. Butterscotch is a working-class man who met Beatrice during her debutant ball in their teen years.

They spent a night together and soon discovered that he had impregnated Beatrice with their son, Bojack. At first, Butterscotch resented the idea of having a child and asked Beatrice to get an abortion, but was convinced by Beatrice to keep the baby.

Both parents neglected their son Bojack and constantly fought with each other. Butterscotch created a toxic environment for Bojack and Beatrice. After some time, Butterscotch impregnates their maid, Henrietta, and runs to his wife for help.

Beatrice is then forced to help Henrietta deliver the baby and help put her daughter up for adoption.

Butterscotch’s purpose in the TV series is to create conflict and tear apart his family, therefore putting him 10th place of the overall ranking.

While there is much to consider, I hope you got some insight about the characters. Do what you can to take advantage of “Bojack Horseman’s” six seasons on Netflix.

Penn State junior majoring in journalism and minoring in english! I hope you enjoy.