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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

8 Signs He Doesn’t Want to Commit

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Dating in college is certainly not easy. Many times, we fall for someone and things simply do not work out. College seems to be the time in which people want to explore their options and experience what they believe to be freedom. Freedom has its perks, but it also means that many people don’t want to be tied to one person. 


If you are interested in someone and are still not in a committed relationship with them, here are eight signs that he is simply not ready (or doesn’t want) to commit.

He is always busy when you want to meet up.

If he can’t find time to see you, he might not be that interested. When you find the one person you fall in love with, you usually try to spend as much time as you can with that person, even when you are busy with friends, school and other activities.

He doesn’t want to introduce you to his friends.

When you start to have feelings for a person and it’s getting serious, you probably want your friends to meet them. I mean, you talk about the person a lot (maybe a little too much). If he doesn’t want you to meet his friends, he is probably not serious about dating you.

He takes forever (literally forever) to answer your messages or calls.

Of course, sometimes he’s just busy. However, if it’s a pattern, it may mean that he is simply ignoring you.

He doesn’t make long term plans with you.

If he avoids making plans and does not talk about a future with you, it is certainly a red flag. It is possible that he sees your relationship as something temporary and not something he is actually interested in pursuing.

He gets scared whenever you show too much affection or show him that you actually care.

Men tend to be scared of commitment and some of them avoid it at all costs. If he tends to close himself up whenever you show signs that you want to commit, run away sister, he is probably just treating your relationship as a casual thing.

He keeps canceling your plans.

If he is canceling all your plans, it may be because there is “something better” for him to do. Honey, you should not be anyone’s second choice. If he does not make the time for you, you should not keep insisting on making time for him.

He does not want to stop seeing other people.

This is a big red flag. If he wants to continue seeing other people and you didn’t talk about that prior, it probably means that he is not as serious about you. Maybe he does like you, but not enough to give up his single life.

He says he is not ready for a relationship… Well, there you go, ladies.

It is not your job to change his mind, even though it can be tempting to try. If he says he’s not ready, sometimes he’s just not ready. As simple as that. But that certainly doesn’t mean you should wait for him or focus your energy into changing his mind. If he wanted to be with you, he would be. If he doesn’t, well, it is his loss.

Ana Clever is a junior at Penn State University majoring in Psychology. Coming from Sao Paulo, Brazil, she is a staff writer for Her Campus at PSU and the president of the Brazilian Student Association. She is passionate about traveling, art, and writing. You can find her on Instagram at @ana_clever.