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5 Things Guys Do, And Should Just Stop Doing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

*Disclaimer: To avoid being completely shunned by the male population I would like to preface this article by saying that I am well aware there are plenty of things girls do that guys wish we would stop doing so by no means am I trying to start a battle of the sexes. I am simply offering a sneak peek into the minds of young women since we all know it is a complete mystery to most men. Additionally, I recognize that not ALL guys do this, there are some wonderful men out there, and we salute you! So, without further ado, here are a few things I am pretty confident most girls would agree (some) guys can stop doing…

1.   Talking about lifting/supplements

While we appreciate the rock hard bodies you’re aiming to achieve with your protein shakes and intense weight training, we could do without all the talk. Do whatever you have to do to feel good about yourself, but please, please don’t brag about it. Don’t get us wrong, we appreciate your hard work and recognize being proud of it. But be sure it’s not your only priority.

2.    Arguing with professional sports teams/ referees

Last time I checked boys, you were the ones on the couch chugging beer and shoving chips down your gob, and they were the ones on the field. I completely understand how ridiculous some of the refs’ calls can be or how frustrating it is when your kicker misses a simple field goal, but the second you begin screaming at an inanimate object or acting like you could do a better job, you start to look like an idiot. So keep enjoying your favorite sports and discussing last night’s game, but please, keep the shit talking to a minimum.

3.   Aggressively dancing

Remember what it was like when gentlemen offered their hand and asked a lady if they could have the privilege of dancing with her? Yeah, well, those days are over – at least in college that is. Now most guys seem to approach the situation by coming up behind a girl and hoping they don’t walk away. I will point out that most seem smart enough to ask first, but let me just say that when you’re lucky enough to get a girl to accept your offer, don’t push her limits. I can’t speak for all girls, of course, but I know personally that when a guy starts to get handsy the second we start dancing, I’m already over it and deciding what excuse I’m going to use to escape. Word of advice boys – no girl is going to be impressed by how far you can shove her head to the floor. Keep it simple and somewhat courteous, and I guarantee you’ll have a much better chance of getting anywhere with a girl.

4.   Commenting on girls’ weight

This shouldn’t even have to be said. I think most guys are well aware of how sensitive girls are about their weight, and yet they still manage to make the situation even worse at times. Rule of thumb: larger or thinner, she always looks great. Don’t think it helps by saying, “but I like bigger girls!” because whether that’s true or not, I’m pretty sure she won’t appreciate being referred to as a “bigger girl”. Unless you are genuinely concerned for her health, you’re not the right person to be discussing her weight. Leave that to her family and girlfriends. They’ll know how to handle it better, and she won’t be as crushed by what they have to say. I can’t guarantee she’ll accept your attempts at complimenting her body but that doesn’t mean you should stop doing it.

5.   Being homophobic

Believe what you want about homosexuality but don’t be arrogant about it. Making fun of guys who had the balls to come out in a society that can be less than accepting only makes you look like the coward. Relating to that, stop thinking that just because a guy is gay he’s going to try and hit on you. Just because they like men doesn’t mean you’re instantly their type so stop flattering yourself. Be accepting of others and you will instantly become more attractive to the females you are trying to attract.

Rachael David is currently a senior at Penn State University and serves as the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Penn State. She is majoring in public relations and minoring in psychology. Her love of creative writing and all things Penn State is what inspired her to become a member of the HC team in the fall of 2013. Her background experience includes working for the Undergraduate Admissions Office at Penn State as a social media intern in the spring of 2014 and is currently working as a social media intern for an internet marketing company in Harrisburg called WebpageFX. This past summer she also served as a PR intern for Tierney Communications. Rachael enjoys anything media related especially catching up on her favorite shows, including Saturday Night Live and any show on Food Network. She has a passion for food but also loves being active and spending her free time running or hiking. She hopes to gain more experience in all aspects of the media industry during college and plans on pursuing a career writing for a life & style publication in the future.
Torri Singer is an undergrad student at Penn State University. She is a broadcast journalism major and loves all things creative, so when she joined the PSU HC chapter she knew it was right up her alley. Her favorite topics to cover include lifestyle, pop culture, relationships and current events. When she isn't writing or editing she loves trying her hand at photography and recently won second place in the national Society of Professional Journalism award for her photography coverage of Hurricane Sandy. Torri is currently interning in New York City in the creative services department of WPIX Chanel 11 News as well as writing editorial pieces for The Two River Times Newspaper in New  Jersey. After graduation she hopes to be heading to live in New York City, her favorite place in the world.