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10 Childhood Halloween Movies To Get You Through Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Midterms can take a girl out. No matter what major you are, mid-October can really make someone not want to be in school anymore – but fear no more, because one of the best times of the year is right around the corner: Halloween. 

From dancing skeletons to funny witches, you can practically go back in time with these childhood favorites. Just watching one of these can help anyone relax during one of the most stressful times of the year, so here are the best childhood Halloween movies to get you through midterms:


10. “The Nightmare Before Christmas”

This one is low on the list just because I don’t know whether to classify it as a Halloween movie or a Christmas movie; it’s been a debate for years. I’ve always watched it at Christmas time, but I’ve also never turned down a moment to watch this movie during Halloween. Decisions, decisions. 


9. “Monster House”

Stop-motion rules the Halloween world, and you’ll see that from some of the entries on this list. Whether it’s the creepiness of the house itself or the eeriness of Halloween in this film, there’s just something about it that always makes me want to watch it during this time of year… under a blanket… with a friend (that house is still so scary!)


8. “Casper”

One of the older ones but still the friendliest ghost we’ll ever meet. “Casper” is an age-old classic that’s been passed down from the generation before us and will be passed down to the generation after us; I have a feeling this character will live on for a long time. 


7. “ParaNorman”

I don’t know about other people’s childhoods, but this was one of my favorites – even though I was 13 when it came out. Again, there’s just something about stop-motion and Halloween that makes a childlike but still eerie movie for kids; it’s about a kid who can talk to spirits, but it’s also so much more than that. 


6. “Twitches”

It’s one of Disney Channel’s classics and one of my all-time faves; I’m definitely a witch and warlock kinda gal. I love learning about the occult, and these movies are always so much fun to watch even now as an adult. It’s got funny spells, twins for life – and one of them even has my name, so extra brownie points for that. 


5. “Harry Potter”

Ok, maybe I’m a little biased. I’m a Potterhead and I’ve loved Harry Potter since I was a young girl, but does anyone else remember when they used to show these on Disney Channel during Halloween? These are the perfect kind of movie that’s not necessarily Halloween, but still eerie enough to be considered as such.


4. “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!”

Although this isn’t technically a movie, it is a classic. Charlie Brown is all of us on any day of the week; we try so hard to please everyone, but sometimes it just doesn’t go our way. Watching this Halloween special while sipping a cup of apple cider will surely cure any midterm stress you might have. 


3. “Coraline”

Another stop-motion favorite of mine. While re-watching some of these films, I realized that I appreciated “Coraline” now more than ever before; it’s creepy for even adults to watch. The story behind this movie is fantastic and the artistry is stunning, so it’s a shame that this movie didn’t get the credit it deserved when it came out. This is the perfect movie for kids that’s also like a surge to adulthood with lots of underlying themes; it can also just be a creepy movie perfect for rainy snuggles with your beau… your choice. 


2. “Halloweentown”

My personal favorite. When I was younger, “Halloweentown” was my LIFE. Whenever those movies came on in October, it was the best thing ever. I would sit my butt down on the couch with a piece of pizza and cheer on my favorite witches while wishing I was in Halloweentown, too. Not only can these movies get surprisingly deep and dark, they’re awesome to watch now as adults (except the fourth one… don’t watch the fourth one.) Debbie Reynolds is also always a win.


1. “Hocus Pocus​”

Can I make a confession? I never saw “Hocus Pocus” until I came to college. I had friends, roommates and family who loved the movie, but I’d never seen it. Once I did, I understood why so many people thought of it as the OG Halloween movie to watch when you’re older. It truly combines creepy and comical, with the three leads playing their roles so well. Even if the critics are never happy with it, it really is one of those cult classics that you just can’t let go of.


Hopefully this list of movies will help you get excited for Halloween as you prepare for midterms – happy watching, collegiettes!

Alexandra is a senior at Penn State majoring in Digital-Print Journalism in the College of Communications. She is the assistant editor for Her Campus and loves everything else PSU has to offer her. She is involved with the Onward State, and would like to somehow benefit THON. Alex loves to write, sing, bake, and dance around like no one is watching. Alex is known to love her animals, including her cat, Grace, who isa little devil at the same time. Oh, and pizza. She loves pizza like it's her world. Follow her on Instagram for her craziness: allieramos1698
Samantha Grillo graduated from Penn State University with a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism. She loves creative writing, pop culture and Penn State, all of which led her to joining the Her Campus Penn State team at the beginning of her freshman year as a contributing writer. In her free time, Samantha enjoys reading, watching her favorite TV shows, and catching up on the latest movies.