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10 Step Health Makeover

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Berks chapter.

Need to lose the Freshmen 15? Or just want to start living healthier? If you’ve been spending the semester eating popcorn chicken and Ben and Jerry’s, read on! It isn’t too late to achieve the body of your dreams. Good news—no calorie counting required! In fact, you’ll find that this method is about much more than just diet and exercise, but will no doubt result in weight loss. Follow my tried and true method and you’ll be on your way to healthier you in no time.

Step #1: Accept Yourself.
As silly as it sounds, it is only when you accept your body as it is that you will be able to change it. Otherwise, the frustration your body causes you will make it impossible to truly focus on the steps you need to take to achieve your ideal result.  Practice affirming yourself each day; look in the mirror and concentrate on what you like about your body, not what you dislike. This step holds true in regards to your actions as well; accept yourself even when you have dessert or skip a workout. Guilt will only distract you from your ultimate goal; instead, vow to stay on track next time and move on.

Step #2: Find Inspiration. Choose a celebrity role model that possesses a body and attitude you aspire to (mine is Megan Fox!). Hang a poster or magazine clipping of this person on your wall. Seeing her every day will keep you focused on your ultimate goal and serve as a reminder of the type of attitude you want to embrace in everyday situations.

Step #3: Make Healthier Food Choices. You know that section of Tully’s between the pizza and condiments? Otherwise known as the “fryer”? It doesn’t exist anymore. You will now see a black hole in the place where the fryer used to be. This black hole has also eaten the dessert section. Your best food options in Tully’s are the deli, soup, salad bar, and main entry sections. When selecting a meal from the main entry line, limit yourself to one carb and fill your plate with protein and veggies when possible.

Step #4: Rethink Your Drinks. Absolutely no soda ever! Not even diet! Meet your new favorite drinks: water and coffee. When sweetening your coffee, avoid sugar and Splenda; opt for a natural sweetener such as Stevia, Purevia, or Truvia. If you are in the mood for a drink with more flavor, try Sobe Life Water 0 Calorie or Vitamin Water Zero.

Step #5: Treat Yourself. While eating healthy is important, you shouldn’t feel deprived. Once or twice a week, indulge in a treat; have a soda with lunch, grab some French fries, or eat that dessert you’ve been craving. Remember, what you do everyday matters much more than what you do once in a while.


Step #6: Work out! Let’s face it, Berks gym is always loaded with buff weight-lifting guys. While this isn’t a bad place to find a date, it can be a little intimidating to work out here. You’ll feel more comfortable working out in your room with a DVD, yoga mat, and hand-weights. Find a workout routine that combines cardio and strength (I love Jillian Michaels’ workouts!). Pick a time when your roommate has class and vow to work out during this time each week. You won’t have to worry about awkward stares as you let out your inner exercise enthusiast plus fifty minutes is the perfect amount of time for a work-out and stretch.

Step #7: Meditate. Stress is an enemy to weight-loss and health; meditation will help greatly reduce stress. After your workout, play some calm music, turn out the lights, and lay on your yoga mat in a comfortable position. Imagine a wave of relaxation slowly moving through each muscle on your body from your feet to your head. Focus on breathing slowly; as you breathe in, your stomach should rise, as it fills with air, and deflate as you breathe out. If you have trouble clearing your mind (it will get easier with practice) try repeating in your head “clear your mind” or a mantra such as “I have the power” in time with your breathing. If meditation is a little out of your comfort zone, try an activity that involves a repeated motion without much thought, such as playing solitaire or sewing.

Step #8: Get Enough Sleep. We all know the importance of getting eight hours a night; I won’t subject you to another lecture. If you have trouble settling into bed the night before an early class, pick a TV show that airs the same time every night (I use Conan, 11 p.m., on TBS). Plan to be in bed in time for the show each night, ready to watch and then fall asleep.

Step #9: Socialize. Devote one night each week to a social gathering (I recommend joining a club on-campus; most have weekly meetings) and put time into your appearance! You’ll find yourself looking forward to your social night each week; it feels good to have an outlet to show off your hard work! Losing weight is easy; it’s finding the motivation that is difficult! The compliments from your friends and the occasional stare from that cute guy you’ve been eyeing will keep you motivated to stick with this method!

Step #10: Check Your Emotional Health. Sometimes, weight-gain can be a sign of deeper issues, not just unhealthy habits. If this is the case, all the diet and exercise in the world will not result in a healthier body. If this could be you, consider seeing a counselor here at Berks (Rm. 10, PSC) free of charge. She can help you work out any mental blocks and get back on track to becoming a healthier person inside and out. This may be the most important step you take to improve your health. Studies show that happiness and weight-loss are linked; in fact, experts say that happiness can have a more significant impact on weight loss than dieting!

As you practice this method, focus on becoming healthier, rather than losing weight. Make each step part of your daily routine and trust that time will take care of the rest. Be patient!  I promise you, if you stick with this method success (and an awesome body!) will be all yours.

Always consult your doctor before starting a new diet or exercise regime. Ashley is by no means an expert, but she is an avid health magazine reader, nutrition enthusiast, and self-proclaimed spirit junkie who lives this method every day of her life. She can be reached at ashleyoffenback@hercampus.com.

Ashley is a senior professional writing major at Penn State.