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Thoughts on the End of the World: Election Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.

DISCLAIMER: Her Campus PS Behrend is not specifically politically affiliated with any political party. Our writers are sharing their own personal thoughts on the election, with each belonging to an intelligent individual who is thinking about this country’s future.

  • ”This election is the time to decide who is going to run our country. Each candidate has their ups and downs. This year we must use our own personal morals to vote for the candidate who is the lesser of the two evils; the liar or the one who verbally abuses women and foreigners. This election is the hardest one by far in my lifetime and I am hopeful that the American people choose the right person.”
  • “I am truly nervous to see the results. This has been one of the craziest elections to date.”
  • “I didn’t work this hard for my degree to have a President not see my worth because of my gender. Does that make sense?”
  • “I can’t wait for this to be over. I’m so sick and tired of people (Trump supporters) promoting racism, sexism and rape culture. If you’re a women or a man who has a daughter or a mom or any women in your life and you’re okay with a man bragging about sexual assault, you are delusional and ridiculous. If you’re a person of color and you think it’s acceptable for a man to tell the world that all non-whites are either criminals or terrorist, you are again, delusional and ridiculous. If you genuinely think this man would be great for America, you agree with him, not only are you delusional and ridiculous, but you’re ignorant, you support white supremacy, you don’t think men should respect women, you think it’s okay to say women are fat when they’re above a size 2 and that they’re ugly if they’re not blond and blue eyed. I could say so much more but I won’t and I’ll end with a good old, I’m with her. “(Islam is a religion, not a description of a person. A Muslim is someone who practices Islam)
  • “I’m not very big on politics; I’ve always found it boring but I can definitely say that this election has been less politics and more ‘he said she said’ middle school drama than anything. Which, in turn, makes me terrified for the next four years – no matter who gets elected. I just hope that whoever gets elected can finally move past the pettiness and finally act as a leader, a politician and a morally sound president.”
  • “If trump is elected, the world will end.”
  • “I think that it is an insult to our generation’s intelligence. I’m hoping I wake up to find that it all is a bad dream.”
  • “I have never been as appalled, not only as a woman but as a human, than I am from knowing that people can accept such “ideals” from this deplorable, bumbling fool. This election has completely changed my perspective on this country and what it has come to, the government needs some major remodeling – which is what neither candidate is good for. But it seems at least one actually has basic intelligence. I always believed you at least needed to understand the political system and basic human rights to become president, but really any piece of rotten trash will do. I just wish that third parties were given as much of a chance as the main two – which would be a genuine democracy. Maybe this will begin to open people’s eyes to how beneficial third parties actually can be if they are allowed the chance, coming from a registered independent.”
  • Thoughts on the election:


JULY 2015: *Trump said he wants to run for president* Lol. This is totally a joke.

NOVEMBER 2015: *Trump is still running for president* I’m so confused. Why is everyone taking him seriously?

JANUARY 2016: This is a joke, right?

MARCH 2016: Is this just a huge April Fools Day Prank? Is Trump trolling us?



JULY 2016: *54th family member asks if Americans are really voting for Trump* I don’t know, man…

JULY 2016: *Family member says he’d vote for Trump if he was American* *No longer talks to said family member*

AUGUST 2016: So, who are you voting for?

SEPTEMBER 2016: *Cries because she doesn’t have the stamina to be the next U.S. President*

SEPTEMBER 2016: *Avoids Facebook at all costs because she can’t read one more article about against women rights and feminism*


OCTOBER 2016: I swear if I see one more girl post about why we don’t need feminism I might implode.

OCTOBER 2016: #yabrainbroke #nastywoman #badombré

NOVEMBER 2016: I just want this to be over.

We will all find out very shortly who will be the next President of the United States of America. (But even Tyra wouldn’t want to hand out that photograph.)


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Kayla McEwen

PS Behrend

Kayla A. McEwen: President and Campus Correspondent  Senior at Penn State Behrend Marketing & Professional Writing Major Part-time dreamer and full-time artist Lover of art, fashion, witty conversation, winged eyeliner, and large cups of warm beverages.