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Things To Thank Your Mother For

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, the majority of us are probably frantically searching for that perfect gift, or beautifully worded card to give to our mothers. As we spend our time looking for the all of the things to give to our mothers, we sometimes forget about all of the things we should be thanking her for.


For starters, thank her for giving you life. After all, she is the reason you are on this Earth today. Thank her for wiping your nose, your tears and your bottom, because someday, you may be wiping hers.  Thank her for being your caregiver when you broke a bone, and when a boy broke your heart.

Thank her for attending every dance recital, every PTA meeting, every game and tournament, for sacrificing her time, and patience. Thank her for being your taxi driver, your chef and for all of those loads of dirty laundry. Thank her for staying home with you when you were sick, and for letting you play hooky. (Even though she’ll never admit to it)


Thank your mother for letting you spread your wings and for letting you be whomever you wanted. Thank her for letting you make mistakes, and for being by your side while you learned from them.

Lastly, thank your mother for her beauty, for her wisdom, and her humor. Thank her for being your cheerleader, teacher, your nurturer, and your friend. Our mothers are much more than just women who just raised us. They are our inspiration, and for many of us, the one person we could not live without. Thank your mother for her continuous, unconditional love, for she is the sole person who has loved you from day one.

Remember to thank your mothers for all of these things, and more this Mother’s Day. 

Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4


Paige is a senior communication major at Penn State Erie- The Behrend College. She loves all dogs, T. Swift songs, and enjoys long, romantic walks to the nearest coffee shop. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter: @paigemoldovan