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Presidential Candidates For 2020

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.

It’s only January but our minds are set on 2020 — more specifically, the 2020 Presidential Election. Some might argue that it’s a little early to write an article about this — given the fact that most parties haven’t announced their candidates yet — but we believe that there’s no such thing as “too early” when it comes to politics! Here’s a list of the candidates so far:

Democratic Party

  • Pete Buttigieg

    • Buttigieg is a Democratic mayor

    • He believes it is time to be bold and focus on the future.

    • He stresses issues regarding climate, economics and generational identity

  • Julián Castro

    • Castro is a former mayor of San Antonio

    • He believes it’s time for new leadership and new energy

    • Key issues include wanting Medicare for all and immigration issues

  • John Delaney

    • Former congressman from Maryland

    • He believes he is the right man for the job but believes not enough people know who he is

    • He tries to play a bipartisan problem solver but often side with the liberals on topics such as universal health care

  • Tulsi Gabbard

    • Congresswoman from Hawaii

    • She wants to help fix all the problems facing Americans

    • Supported Sanders in 2016 election

    • Formally made anti gay statement, now has retracted and apologized for the statements and her work with anti gay advocacy clubs

    • She opposes military involvement overseas.

  • Kirsten Gillibrand

    • Senator from NY

    • She is a young mom that wants to fight for others kids

    • She has become one of the senate’s leading liberal voices

    • Key issues include women’s equality

  • Kamala Harris

    • Senator from California

    • She believes this country needs a leader that will produce a vision of America that everyone can see themselves in

    • Signature issues include middle class tax cuts, and liberal agenda push

  • Elizabeth Warren

    • Senator from Massachusetts

    • She wants the women to be on top and fix our broken government

    • Has done a lot of preparation to run for this race

    • Key issues included income inequality

  • Andrew Yang

    • Former Tech executive

    • He strongly believes in a universal basic income and wants it to be at $1000 a month.


Republican Party

As for the Republican Party we can all assume that President Trump will be running for re-election. There are many who have stirred interest but no declaration of official running for office.

Tiffany Zinn

PS Behrend

Andrea Gáez

PS Behrend '19

From Panama.xx