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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PS Behrend chapter.

Do you want to save some cash? Are you little shy about strangers seeing “personal” parts of your body? If so, at home waxing is for you! Here in Her Campus PSB, we’ve dabbled in the world of at-home waxing many times and now we’re pulling from our successes and failures as both the waxer and the waxee, we’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks to help your first experience go a little smoother than ours.


Waxer POV

1. Buy a high-quality waxing pot

Honestly, Amazon has some great options but MAKE SURE you read the reviews. When it comes to waxing, you really get what you pay for. If you cheap out, trust me, you are your body will suffer.


2. Clean and sanitize the area with alcohol wipes

Most areas that you will wax need to be sanitized for hygienic reasons. However, it’s also a good way to wipe away sweat which can affect your waxing. And let’s be honest, whether you’re doing the waxing or getting waxed, there is gonna be some nervous sweat going on.


3. When applying the wax spread in the direction the hairs naturally lay

When applying the wax you want to spread it in the direction that the hairs naturally lay. This will allow you to be able to get all the hairs in the least amount of pulls. On the other hand, when pulling the strip/wax, you want to pull in the opposite direction which will help you rip away the hair follicle, allowing for the longest amount of time before hair starts to grow back.


4. Apply pressure to the area previously waxed

You would think that touching such a sensitive area would be the last thing you want to do, but it actually relieves a lot of pain when pressure is applied right after ripping


5. What the Pluck?!

The wax sometimes leaves some hair stragglers. The best way to get rid of them is just to grab a pair of tweezers and pull.  You would think that this would be worse than the waxing, but trust me it pretty much painless and will help you receive the desired look you want.



Waxee POV

1. Don’t watch any videos or read any articles about what to expect

Just know that it will hurt like a b*tch and there’s nothing you can do to make the experience any more pleasant. The best way to get through it is to think about how your body part will look like a beautiful, polished bowling ball when it is over.


2. Be sure to properly exfoliate and clean the area you’re planning on waxing

Doing this will help you get a much closer wax and will help open up the follicles, allowing the hair to come out easier


3. Don’t be shocked by the immediate results

The area will look like a freshly plucked chicken, and you may think your razor could have done a better job with less than half the pain.  Trust me though, you will wake up the next morning and want to walk around naked.


4. Apply a soothing lotion or spray after to help the area recover

Personally, I love using the tea tree spray from Lush Cosmetics.  Spritz it on the area after getting out of the shower. Also applying a light numbing lotion immediately after the wax will help you get through the rest of the day.


5. Be sure to grow out your hair for at least 2 weeks

If you don’t grow out your hair enough, the wax won’t be able to get a good grip on the hair, and all the pain you suffer will be pointless.


Olivia Getty

PS Behrend '21

Andrea Gáez

PS Behrend '19

From Panama.xx