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‘Tis the Season to Get Cuffed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

More and more each year at the onset of the fall and winter seasons, I hear about what seems to be this relatively new phenomenon called “Cuffing Season”.  So what is it exactly? Well, according to the highly credible and scholarly source that is Urban Dictionary, Cuffing Season is as follows: “During the fall and winter months people who would normally rather be single find themselves, along with the rest of the world, desiring to be “Cuffed” or tied down by a serious relationship. The cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed.” Essentially, people are looking to put hookup culture aside for a few short months in favor of one consistent relationship.

However, if you’re anything like me, then the last time you were in a interdependent relationship was when you were in the womb. That being said, the idea of a whole season dedicated to finding a special someone can bring on undue pressure and stress. While on some level you realize that cuffing season really is a myth, the colder months do have a way of making you wish you had someone to cuddle with, to kiss under the mistletoe, and to receive a valentine from (instead of just a box of chocolates that has an invisible “better luck next year” pity note on it from your parents). So for all my single ladies and fellas, if you’re reading this, how do we successfully navigate Cuffing Season? Here are a few tips:

How to get cuffed

Because of the drop in temperatures during these few months, long pants make it easy to go days weeks without shaving your legs. Additionally, bulkier clothing allows you to preserve the “summer body” that you said you would get but never achieved (lol @me). Most people, myself included, tend to favor comfort and warmth over style so it can be hard to feel like you’re at your peak cuteness on a day-to-day basis during the winter. However, you want to get across the message that even in this tundra-like weather, you’re ready to Netflix and cuddle not hibernate until spring. The key to getting cuffed is being confident, and you’re most likely to feel confident when you feel good.  You should look at yourself in the mirror and believe when you say “oooo I’d cuff that”, because chances are, boys are looking at you and thinking the same thing.

The “cuffed” becomes the “cuffer”

This is for my bolder ladies who are willing to put themselves out there and become the hunter instead of the hunted this cuffing season.  If you have a boy that you want to hang out with, talk to, Snapchat, or follow on Instagram, do it! Taking the initiative and making the first move puts the power in your hands and shows your potential man that you’re thinking about him (and guys love that). So get to cuffin’ ladies!

What if all of my friends are already cuffed?

If all of your friends have boyfriends or guys they’re currently talking to, it can be hard to watch if you’re phone is as dry as a piece of stale toast. However, having friends that are already cuffed can actually work to your advantage.  Since they already have guys they’re ready to cozy up with on these cold winter days, they’ll be completely devoted to being your wingwomen. And since a successful cuffing for one is a successful cuffing for all, your friends are sure not to rest until they find you a man of your own.

Is it worth all the hype?

The whole idea of cuffing season turns love into a cyclical event that makes people feel as though they need to be in a relationship at certain times. However, once the excitement and pressure wears off, you realize that cuffing season isn’t actually real. Can it be hard being single sometimes? Yes. Would it be nice to have a boyfriend, especially during the winter and through all the holidays? Sure.  But will you continue to thrive and be amazing all on your own? Absolutely.  Maybe it doesn’t happen for you this season, or next season, or even for a few seasons after that, but someday someone will cuff you and never let you go. Until then, don’t sweat it, have fun!

~Happy Cuffing Season~

Images: Google