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PC IT Department

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

Hey Guys!

As I sit at my beautiful computer in the library, it occurred to me that most of PC doesn’t know my job exists. I thought I would take some time while I’m at work to explain.

So I work as a Helpdesk/Techhub Consultant at Providence College in their IT department. At the Helpdesk, this means students, faculty, alumni, and parents call us with their technology problems. On the phone we aid them with their problems and if they cannot be fixed over the phone we write up a work order for them. A work order basically means we fill out a form so the department can meet these people and personally fix their computers/printers/etc. Pretty easy.

When I’m not working at the Helpdesk, I’m working at the Techhub. The techhub is a brand new location (lower level of the library) that will help you with your IT problems onsite and in person. What does this mean? Well when you’re computer isn’t connecting to the internet, or the printer isn’t working and you have a paper due in an hour, you can walk up to our table and we’ll fix it for you. Super easy.

I know a lot of people, like myself, like to have jobs (even if they don’t need the money) for their own personal reasons. Providence offers a lot of jobs on campus that are impressive on resumes (for example my job or any other office job here) and it’s so convenient.

So overall, if you can – get a job on campus. There’s really no downside (I even pick my hours – how great is that?). And I don’t really do anything. Well … I watch netflix if that counts.

Alexia Polachek is a Junior at Providence College and loves it. Majoring in Marketing, and minoring in Economics, she hopes to pursue Entertainment communication. In her spare time she blogs for PC Admissions and works on campus. However, on a perfect day, you can find her at the beach with a book in hand.If you need to get in contact with her, you can email her at alexiapolachek@hercampus.com.