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Office of Career Services

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

Hey Guys!

If there was one thing that I wish I could emphasize to everyone on campus, and to future students, is to USE your resources. One of those resources at PC is The Office of Career Services. The Office of Career Services is a great tool for all students (not just upperclassman)!

Just recently I looked at my resume, and evaluated what I wanted to do this summer. I decided I wanted to take on an internship to further my future career. Now that I know that, I needed to know how to go through with that plan.

The other day, my professor for my Organizational Behavior class had a speaker from Career Services come to class, and it really opened my eyes.

Did you know that Career Services offers:

  1. Efriars – a website that allows you to look up internships, volunteer opportunities, and entry level jobs
  2. Friarlink – a networking website with contact information from PC alumnus in any career field you want to pursue
  3. Resume and Cover letter workshops
  4. Mentor Programs for Juniors – you will be assigned with a mentor (high management level) that will guide you for the next two years
  5. Shadowing Programs for all class years – you will assigned to a PC alumni who you can ‘shadow’ for the day to see what a day in the life of that career field is like.
  6. ‘Quick Question’ hours – you can show up within a specific timeslot and ask any questions you need
  7. And a staff that will go above and beyond to help you!

For a business student like me, this is huge. Networking is one of the major components of my job. Thus, having a department so readily available to help me do so is great.

So to everyone reading this – TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT :) It will help you in the long run!

For more information visit the website: http://www.providence.edu/career-services/Pages/default.aspx

-Alexia Polachek

Alexia Polachek is a Junior at Providence College and loves it. Majoring in Marketing, and minoring in Economics, she hopes to pursue Entertainment communication. In her spare time she blogs for PC Admissions and works on campus. However, on a perfect day, you can find her at the beach with a book in hand.If you need to get in contact with her, you can email her at alexiapolachek@hercampus.com.