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Wellness > Mental Health

Motivational Quotes That Get Me Through the Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

I’m a huge quote girl. The cheesier, and the cringier, the better. I love writing motivational things in my planner, or having little sayings in my dorm room. To clarify, I like them in an ironic way. Usually they are so bad that they are good. Kind of like how I enjoy a good (bad) pun. They bring me joy and keep me smiling.  I have compiled a few of my favorite quotes that get me through the day, week, or whatever else I may be feeling.


For when everything seems to be going wrong:

“It’s up to you to find beauty in the ugliest days.” -unknown

Sometimes I have ~those days~. It feels like nothing is going right and I can’t wait for the day to end. This is when I need the reminder to step back, and think about the good things. Through all the bad, there has to be at least one thing that made me smile. These can be things like ice cream, talking to someone that made me laugh, or hearing some good news. However, usually it’s ice cream (I’m a firm believer that it fixes everything). 


For when I need to be reminded that it’s good to be myself:

“Don’t be afraid of being different, be afraid of being the same as everyone else.” -unknown

This mindset was especially helpful for entering college. It was important for me to remember to be true to myself so I could be the best version of me possible. 


For when I am procrastinating:

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows” -Ralph Marston

I have been known for being the WORST procrastinator. I leave everything until the last minute and always end up stressed. This is a bad habit I’m trying to work on by remembering that if I get something done today, it will make my tomorrows easier.


For when I’m feeling overwhelmed:

“Ten years from now you’ll laugh at whatever’s stressing you out today. So why not laugh now?” -Tony Robbins

Sometimes I need to put things into perspective. I get caught up in making a big deal about things that don’t matter. Although it seems like a huge problem today, it will not have an impact on my entire life.


For when I can’t find the motivation to study:

“The most effective way to do it, is to do it” -Amelia Earhart

Usually I need a little push to get things done. It’s important for me to remember that nothing will get done if I don’t do it.


For when midweek is too much:

“Better days are coming. They are called Saturday and Sunday” -unknown  

I start looking forward to the weekend as soon as it ends. I live for these days. It’s a time for relaxation, letting loose, and having a good time. Usually I need this reminder that the weekend will be here soon on Mondays-Thursdays.

Lauren Muldowney

Providence '22

Lauren is a freshman biology major from Norwalk, CT.