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Midterm Exam Week: A Timeline

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

Ahh midterm exam week. Somehow it is already THAT time of the year. The time of the semester where you are struggling but cannot believe that you are already taking your first exams when it feels like just yesterday you were moving in.


Tis the season for cramming in the library, staying up until all hours of the night because you know you should of started studying earlier, and let’s not forget calculating our grades to see what would happen if we failed this exam. Say your biggest exam is on Thursday morning, the two worst days are Monday and Tuesday because you know you should be starting to study but there is no way are you going to.


Not only do you have this exam to worry about, but the four other classes you are taking too with at least one other test that same week. The anxiety and the suspension are constantly in the back of your head. Wednesday isn’t great either because you are just started to realize how unprepared you actually are. Oh and let’s not forget watching  all your friends go out Wednesday night to Whiskey’s or Hanley’s but you get to stay in the lib all night ☺ Exactly what you wanted right? Wednesday will most likely feel like the longest day in the world to you. Once it hits around 10 pm you have a realization that you are either going to be fine, or you’re screwed and there’s honestly nothing more you can do.


Finally, Wednesday is over and you get to crawl into your bed, but wait, you cannot fall asleep because you are freaking out. But at the same time, you really do not care anymore. Whatever happens, happens. You sleep about four hours, then wake up feeling pretty good. You get to class and the teacher passes out the test. You look around at your classmates faces to see their reactions when they look at the questions. The teacher puts it in front of you. You take a deep breath, then dive in. You leave the room feeling like you either aced it, or failed it (hopefully aced it).  Then the thought is out of your head. The only thing good about exam week(s) is that when you get to the weekend you know you are going to have a lot of fun and probably drink a little too much, but hey, you deserve it because you survived midterm exam week.


Megan McGunigle is a Political Science and English double major at Providence College. On campus, Megan is involved with WDOM the student run radio station, Club Figure Skating and the organization Generation Citizen. Generation Citizen helps to civically engage students in local middle schools and high schools. She also enjoys ice cream, chocolate, and pizza. Her dream job would be working as a journalist in Washington D.C. to write about all the country's political happenings.