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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

Name: John Ryan

Major: Finance

Hometown: Fair Haven, NJ

Campus involvement: PC Pals, Eucharistic Minister, Tutor and Investment Club

Year: Freshman

Single or Taken: Taken

What he looks for in a significant other: I look for someone who has a great personality, similar interests to me and prudent life goals.

Why he picked Providence: My mom grew up in Little Compton, Rhode Island, and her whole family is up here, so it’s nice to go to school close to my grandparents and other relatives. Also, I love New England, even though it can be quite cold in the winter. In terms of academics, PC fosters a unique college learning experience through the small class sizes that I really benefit from.

What is your hidden talent? Handstands.

What are your personal interests? Football and golf

What is your life motto? The harder you try the luckier you get.

What is something surprising about yourself? I am really into mission trips to Latin America; I have been on three trips to Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras.

What is one thing you can’t live without? I couldn’t live without my family. Although having five siblings can be quite hectic at times, I couldn’t imagine living any other way.

What is your biggest turnoff? Hostility

What is your favorite thing about PC? I love the sense of community on and off campus that manifests itself through the strong alumni network.

What do you do in your free time? Watch Netflix.

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Grace Mullan


Grace Mullan is a sophomore at Providence College. Grace is orginally from New Jersey. She majors in marketing and plans to work for a magazine in either Boston or New York following graduations. Born and raised on the Jersey Shore, she loves the beach, reading, shopping, and running. She plans to study abroad in Italy in the fall of 2014 and is excited to be a part of Her Campus.