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Campus Cutie of the Week: Justin Kanka

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

Name: Justin Kanka
Year:  Class of 2014
Major: “Undeclared.  Leaning towards Italian or love…making?”
Hometown: Gaithersburg, Maryland
Relationship Status: “Currently single and ready to mingle.”
What is your favorite thing about PC? Define favorite…what is favorite?
You’re digging too deep. I guess the social aspect of it.
How do you feel about the new changes they’re making this year at PC? They changed the basement in Slavin. I enjoy that.
What do you look for in a girl? Eyes. She has to have eyes. No wait a personality, she has to make me laugh/laugh at everything I say. And more than anything she has to be approved by Billy Ricci. And also if she’s attractive it doesn’t hurt.
Favorite black and white movie: Sin City.
What’s your favorite thing to do on the weekends? Hang out with friends…play soccer… dance on the quad.
The Godfather or Scarface? Godfather.
What’s something that no one would know about you? I…am a great dancer. And I can teach you how to dougie.
Favorite video game? NFL blitz for N64.
What’s your favorite TV show? Currently or ever?
Currently and ever. Currently I would say Workaholics, ever…Recess. As in the animated show.
What’s your favorite 90s cartoon? Rugrats. Hands down.
Do you like living in McDermott or Aquinas more and why? McDermott because the rooms were bigger. There’s really no other reason behind it. Although I really like my floor on Aquinas.
What would you put on an eHarmony dating profile? I enjoy girls who know how to take care of themselves but don’t care about how they come off on the surface and who can actually hold a conversation with you instead of trying to get by solely on their looks.

Samantha Galasso is from Wilton, CT and is the founder of both the Providence College and Villanova University chapters at HC. In her spare time, she enjoys napping, sarcastic commentary, inappropriate jokes, hanging out with her fellow Pi Phi sisters, "Friends" marathons, and general activities being ”liked” by the mass majority of people on Facebook. Her goals in life include writing the next great American novel and making the Billionaire Obituary in Forbes.