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The “Buffer” Month: Things that Make November Great

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

It’s finally November, one of my all time favorite months of the year. However, most people see this month as a buffer between Halloween and Christmas, often trying to just get through it as quickly as possible (what a shame).  Therefore, I present a few reasons that hopefully might help you realize how amazing the month of November really is!

  1. Cooler Weather

    1. Often times it takes a while for Mother nature to realize that much like Taylor Swift’s reputation, summer weather is dead (or at least it should be).  October, for the better half, is a confusing mix of really hot and semi-cool days that leave you shivering in the morning and sweating profusely in the afternoon.  However, in November, the weather finally makes up its mind and the days become consistently cool but not yet cold (basically ideal). That makes it finally time put away the tank tops and break out your coziest sweaters, cutest boots, and cuddle up with a hot drink.

  2. You’re midway through the semester

    1. Another reason why November is so great is because it marks the midway point in the semester.  Although your motivation to do any work is staggeringly low and proportionally, your caffeine intake is alarmingly high, the end is in sight!  November is when you can look back at how far you’ve come, how much fun you’ve had, and get excited for all the good things coming (holidays, birthdays, seeing old friends!!) All you have is a few more weeks to go until you are home free. (You got this)

  3. All the Holidays

    1. Personally, I find it offensive that people treat November simply as a way to get to December. Look, I love “All I want for Christmas is You” just as much as the next Elf on the Shelf, but Mariah Carey hasn’t produced vocals like that since she first came out with the song so I can wait another month for my ears to be constantly inundated with her whistle tones.  But seriously, people are so eager to get to Christmas that they overlook one of the best holidays of the year- Thanksgiving!  What doesn’t this holiday have?! Amazing food, much needed time with family, reuniting with friends, a break from school, FOOD! Thanksgiving gives everyone the chance to take a break from life and be completely content in their realization of how blessed they truly are and I think that’s too a beautiful thing to rush past.

  4. Daylight Savings

    1. My words say I’m thriving but the designer bags under my eyes say I’m stressed and haven’t slept in a good month.  Even though it’s not a lot, daylight savings does give you an extra hour of sleep and for some reason, the premise of turning your clock back is always somehow exciting.

  5. No-Shave November

    1. This refers to the period of time where it becomes universally acceptable for men to not shave their faces. While that’s a harmless choice in and of itself (you do you guys), ignoring any kind of personal grooming of this sort leaves most college-age boys with mustaches that just have a way of making you feel unsettled. However, this produces two advantages for you: 1.) No-Shave November means you don’t have to shave your legs 2.) The less than attractive facial hair sported by the guys around you means that you probably don’t want to get with them, which in turn temporarily saves you from the pressure brought on by the impending “cuffing season”.

November is a great month, don’t rush it! Enjoy it for all it has to offer!

Pictures: Google