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Best Study Spots Based on Your Study Habits

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

As everybody already knows and definitely does not need to be reminded of again, finals are coming up. While most of the time before the test happens is spent stressing about studying rather than actually studying, it’s still important to know exactly where that should be taking place. Campus is constantly changing and improving, so there are always new spots to hang out and occasionally get some studying done. However, all of these places have different atmospheres, meaning that not all of them fit as the perfect study space for everyone here at PC. Here’s where you should study, based on your study habits: 

For the people who need a break every 5 minutes: 

Congratulations, you are the typical college student. There is just so much information that has to be remembered and applied at this point in the semester, your precious brain cannot handle it. Therefore, you need to relax every once and a while. Maybe every five minutes is too often, but it’s not going to stop you from visiting Sandella’s to grab a multitude of snacks and drinks to “recharge” you so you’re now at full potential for learning. You should be studying in the Ryan main lounge, with a room full of kids who are just as committed to doing the bare minimum as you are.  

For the people who need absolute silence: 

Everybody knows that moving from the first to the second floor of the library is like transporting yourself to a different building. The second floor is almost too quiet, especially in the deep quiet zone. If you so much as cough in there, you’re getting stared down. However, this seemingly hostile environment is what you thrive in. You don’t even want to hear yourself breathe because it is distracting you from hearing the soothing voice of the guy behind all of the Khan academy videos you’re watching (with headphones, obviously). You can’t be bothered by your friends, music, or food. You are in the zone. Soon enough, you’ll be the one staring people down for chewing too loudly. 

Lucky for you, avid scholar, there is a second option. For those who need not only total silence, but also complete isolation, you should be studying in a classroom. That’s right, be that obnoxious person that needs an ENTIRE ROOM for studying. Harkins has the best rolling chairs and tables, along with plenty of whiteboard space and projectors. The small seminar rooms in Ruane are great too, but those are almost ALWAYS taken. The worst feeling is thinking you have found a room, and then seeing a single laptop on the table and having to walk away. The worst part of it is you would do the exact same thing if you found the room first. 

For the people who miss home: 

The Ruane Great Room is so beautiful, especially around Christmastime. There’s something about sitting in one of the giant upholstered chairs while the fireplace is lit that makes the crushing anxiety of finals fade for a while. It’s right by the Starbucks, so you can easily grab your favorite basic girl guilty pleasure, cuddle up by the fire, and remain calm while studying.  

For the people who need everything spread out in front of them: 

While the library isn’t the most aesthetically pleasing building on campus, it is obviously a great place to study. But you, an upstanding PC student, can’t be bothered by the atmosphere. You came to STUDY, not stare out the window or sit on your phone. In fact, you came to study EVERYTHING, all at once. Naturally, you’ll pick one of the large tables on the first floor of the library, equipped with lamps and outlets for you to charge your phone and laptop while you get your job done. The amount of space you’ll take up will likely keep others from trying to sit with you, but you don’t mind. You need to FOCUS. 

For the people who eat to avoid studying: 

Your place is anywhere on the bottom floor of Slavin. You need to be in an environment that is conducive to studying, but doesn’t necessarily promote it. You’re easily distracted by “hunger”(it’s called stress, people) and need something that resembles food from Alumni. Lucky for you, it’s open until midnight. However, if this is the way studying has been going for you all year, it’s likely you’re out of Friar Bucks. Don’t worry, McPhail’s gives away free popcorn until they close. This spot is awesome for not only food, but the soft music from either McPhail’s or WDOM, and the abundance of couches. You’re not likely to get much done, but at least you’ll be full. 

For the people who can’t bear the cold: 

You shouldn’t be complaining, because you are #blessed enough to live on such a beautiful and small campus, but you are still sick and tired of this weather. You’ve found the best place to study happens to be in your building, which is great for those who hate to change out of their pajamas and walk around in the cold. Specifically, the lounges in McVinney, Aquinas, and Suites are great to study in. So, if you’re lucky enough to live in any of these buildings (except for maybe Aquinas… sorry), a prime studying area besides your tiny desk is included so you don’t end up looking like Ron Swanson every time you need to hit the books. 

For the people who can’t shut up: 

So, you never really planned on studying. You’re social, finding more importance in friendships rather than your textbooks. Naturally, when the group chat makes plans to study in the library basement, you join. Not necessarily to get anything productive done, you’re just down to chat. The basement of the library is the perfect spot for you because it’s loud. This is a great spot for anybody who needs to collaborate to get work done, or for anybody not looking to get any work done. Oprah does a spot-on impression of what you look like studying as soon as anybody starts a conversation:

For the people who don’t want to see anyone: 

You’re in a terrible mood leading up to finals, considering you were doing the minimum amount of work all semester and now have to accept that there’s a ton you don’t know and you need to catch up. The combination of stress and general annoyance means you need to avoid everyone in case you need to cry. If you’re lucky, you can reserve a collaboration room in Ryan and isolate yourself in the tiny room with a single table. Those are usually taken all night, so you have a better chance grabbing a random classroom in any of the more irrelevant buildings, like Howley in the depths of lower campus. Whenever Moore Hall opens, there will be high chairs in the lobby, which I can’t imagine will be heavily populated. 

For the people who just have to get off campus: 

None of those spots work for you? You’re too good for them? Fine. I tried my best. You can go to the Brown neighborhood, maybe those Ivy league kids will motivate you. Blue State Coffee is great, for both its atmosphere and array of drinks. Anywhere on Thayer Street would work great, as long as you’re faaar away from campus. For whatever reason, you can’t focus. I am both disappointed and understanding of your choices. 

So, this is really just a reminder that finals are in like a WEEK. Get to studying, at any of these places, so you don’t end up walking in to your exams with this as the only thought in your head: