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5 Netflix Shows to Help You Procrastinate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

Procrastinating is inevitable so you might as well have a plan for how you want to go about it. Personally, my method of choice is Netflix so here are my top suggestions of what to watch on your next binge. 


Grace and Frankie

I watched this show over the summer with my mom and let me tell you, there are few shows out there that have made me laugh as much as this one. Grace and Frankie are just too real and I am obsessed with them. To be honest, all of the characters in this show are extremely funny and I love them all. Also, even though it’s funny you still feel emotionally connected to the characters.


The Office

I went back and forth on whether to put this on the list only because I feel like everyone has already seen it. However, this is the one show that I actually enjoy watching repeats of. So whether it is your first time through or your fifth, happy procrastinating!


Gilmore Girls

This show makes me feel like I’m back at home. It’s just so wholesome! Lorelei and Rory are just mother-daughter goals and you can’t help but feel like you’re living their life alongside them. However, while I feel like the Netflix “Day in the Life” was pretty good, it was not everything I hoped for. So if you want to stop after you finish the original series you probably should.



I know this show has taken a lot of heat recently in the media but hear me out… While the overall message is probably not the best, this show held my attention for the entire time. It’s a little absurd at times but you won’t find yourself scrolling on your phone half listening to the show. 


The Good Place

Full disclosure, I watched the entire first season in less than 24 hours. The humor in this show is just TOO good. I also didn’t realize how much I loved Kristen Bell until I watched the first two seasons of The Good Place. Also, Janet is just such an MVP you’ll love her. 10/10 would recommend this show to a friend so I don’t know why you are still on this page, get yourself over to Netflix ASAP! 

Megan McGunigle is a Political Science and English double major at Providence College. On campus, Megan is involved with WDOM the student run radio station, Club Figure Skating and the organization Generation Citizen. Generation Citizen helps to civically engage students in local middle schools and high schools. She also enjoys ice cream, chocolate, and pizza. Her dream job would be working as a journalist in Washington D.C. to write about all the country's political happenings.