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10 Things They Don’t Tell You About Being a Summer Lifeguard

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Providence chapter.

Hey Colligettes! I’ve been a pool lifeguard for around five years now. It’s been my only summer job, has allowed me to become part of an amazing “pool family” comprised of some of my favorite people ever, and has paid for a lot of late night food runs and shopping trips. Yet, there’s a lot of things I didn’t realize until I was suddenly dressed in a red bathing suit and white t-shirt with the word “LIFEGUARD” written across the back. So, I decided to compile a list of “10 Things They Don’t Tell You About Being a Lifeguard” for all of my fellow lifeguards out there and for anyone thinking about becoming one for the upcoming season.

1. You will never have an even tan again

Flip-flop tans, farmer’s fans, thigh tans, the list goes on and on. One of my top foals for each summer is to simply attemtp to even out my mess of a tan.

2. You’ll master a “look/glare” which you use to warn the same kids you keep yelling at

Every lifeguard has their own unique “look” and it’s the perfect way to yell at a kid when you don’t really want to yell.

3. Yelling “Walk” becomes instinct

I’ve literally had to stop myself from yelling at kids to not run in Target.

4. You’ll never be able to relax at a pool again

Once you’re a lifeguard, you’re always a lifeguard.

5. Parents will think that you’re their child’s personal babysitter/lifeguard

“Can you watch my son? He’s not that great of a swimmer.” Well, maybe you should get in the pool with him because I have twenty other kids to watch.

6. Blowing your whistle is a major stress reliever

In the beginning, it can be scary to blow your whistle and attract everyone’s attention. But then after a while, it just becomes an easy way to let all of your anger out.

​7. You’ll give out a ridiculous amout of Band-Aids and ice packs

The quickest way to get a crying kid to calm down is to give them an ice pack and a couple of Band-Aids. Whether they bumped thier head or scraped their knee, Band-Aids are always the right answer.

8. You get a pool family

Honeslty one of the most rewarding parts of the job. They’re not just your friends or co-workers; they’re your team and famliy. 

9. “I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them” becomes another one of your catch phrases

I’ve been yelled at by parents before who think I’m not letting their kid have enough fun. Sorry that I yelled at your child who dove into the shallow section then started strangling another kid, just doing my job.

10. You watch kids grow up from summer to summer

For the past five years, I’ve seen babies turn into toddlers, kids finally being able to swim on their own, and families growing in size. It’s been one of the sweetest and most unexpected part of the job by far.

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Katie Torok


Hey everybody! I'm Katie, a freshman double English and French major from Larchmont, NY. I love everything to do with Taylor Swift, chocolate chip cookies, and being a Her Campus contributor!