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Youtube Video of the Week: TNL Productions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Princeton chapter.

Today is a double whammy, mostly because I though you should see the full work of these wonderful English teachers. Being fans of Saturday Night Live, these tow teachers decided to re-lyric “Lazy Sunday” and “I’m On A Boat” in order to give their AP English students some helpful advice that they’d remember. And what better way to that than through music videos.
The first up is “AP Monday,” the cover for “Lazy Sunday.” We must keep in mind that, in order to keep high school students interested, sometimes randomness is required, like, for instance, grilling a Panini on a George Foreman grill at the beginning of the video. However, the video is actually pretty funny, especially when they decide to include a few students who don’t exactly know how to act. 

Next up is “I’ve Got A Quote.” I will gladly say that the teachers’ rap skills tremendously increase. I’ve never seen anyone excited over a “rich” quote. They also still managed to find that one student who fights laughing in the middle of the video. While teaching students how to write a paper, they also stay funny and interesting.