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Will Work for Trees

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Princeton chapter.

Will Work for Trees
Second Annual Her Campus Princeton Photoshoot

Sustainable fashion is misrepested, more frequently than not, as “hippie fashion” but sustainable fashion is achievable (and even desireable) for collegiettes as well. Sustainable (or ecofashion) has changed significantly in recent years to become far more fashion forward while still accounting for clothing production’s impact upon the environment and  the conditions under which the products are made. Sustainable fashion generally focus on the reuse and recycling of materials, is produced in accordance to fair trade standards, is produced via animal friendly practices, supports small scale business, and has environmental awareness. 

The Her Campus Princeton team would like to thank our fabulous photographers — Monica Chon ’15 and Katelyn Scanlan ’13 — for their assistance with the photoshoot. We also want to thank our clothing sponsors (they are credited in the images beow) and Naked Pizza for their support of the project as well as Cooper River Valley Salon for the models’ hair and makeup. We hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor!

On Mary Schulman: Vespertine Skirt from Judah Ross, Belt from Jypsea, Tote from Jypsea.
Photographer: Katelyn Scanlan 

On Brittany Hardy: Jeans from ReUse Jeans, Tote from Jypsea.
Photographer: Katelyn Scanlan 

On Sydney Montgomery: Dress from Unique-Vintage.com, Earrings from Jypsea.
Photographer: Katelyn Scanlan 

On Sydney Montgomery: Dress from Unique-Vintage.com
Photographer: Monica Chon

On Alexandra Kubiak: Skirt from Unique-Vintage.com, Accessories from Jypsea

On Regina Wang: Jeans from M2F Denim
Photographer: Monica Chon

Photographer: Monica Chon

On Rana Campbell: Shorts from ReUse Jeans, Shirt from my Remedy Designs, Jewelry from Jypsea
Photographer: Katelyn Scanlan 

Photographer: Katelyn Scanlan

Photographer: Katelyn Scanlan 

Photographer: Katelyn Scanlan

On Rana Campbell: Shorts from Unique Vintage, Jewelry from Jypsea
Photographer: Katelyn Scanlan

On Mary Schulman: Shorts from ReUse Jeans, Purse from Jypsea
Photographer: Katelyn Scanlan 

On Brittany Hardy: Dress from Lace Affair
Photographer: Katelyn Scanlan

Photographer: Monica Chon

Photographer: Katelyn Scanlan

Ajibike Lapite is a member of Princeton University’s Class of 2014. When not studying, Ajibike tutors at the Young Scholar’s Institute in Trenton, NJ; serves as the President  of the Princeton Premedical Society; is the Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Princeton; currently holds the title of Most Stylish Undergraduate (from Stylitics). Ajibike is a  molecular biology major with a certificate in global health & policy. She enjoys consumption of vanilla ice cream and sweet tea, watching games of criquet, exploring libraries, lusting after Blair Waldorf’s wardrobe, watching far too much television, editing her novel, staying watch at the mailbox, playing tennis and golf in imitation of the pros, hanging out with the best friends she’s ever had, baking cookies that aren’t always awesome, being Novak Djokovic’s fan girl, and sleeping—whenever and wherever she can.