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Thomas Truongchau

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Princeton chapter.

Thomas Truongchau

Computer Science

Queens, New York


How do you feel about being nominated for Campus Cutie?
Honestly, this is a humbling experience, but I am also very excited to be nominated.

What activities/extracurriculars are you involved in?
I love bboying with SYMPOH and enjoy participating in cultural events with CSA. I also recently joined HighSteppers and cannot wait to start step dancing (HighSteppers what?!)

Are you single or taken?

If you could only bring 3 things to a deserted island, what would they be?
Pretty girl

What’s your favorite thing about Princeton ladies?
The ladies here are the best of the best- they have brains and beauty. Most girls I’ve met on campus are so smart, pretty, outgoing, ambitious, and talented. In addition to these strong qualities, many girls are also down-to-earth and have a great sense of humor. That counts a lot!

Tola Emiola is a Princeton undergraduate in the class of 2014. She is an English major, pursuing a certificate in African Studies. She is a member of Princeton's Disiac Dance company, Umqombothi, and Princeton African Students Association. The proud Houstonian likes to dance, sing, read, write, travel, and knit. She's so happy to be part of Her Campus and looks forward to working with her partner in crime, Ajibike, to expand the Princeton branch.