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Michael Bishop

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Princeton chapter.

Michael Bishop



Edmond, Oklahoma

Pisces (by old and new zodiac)

How do you feel about being nominated for Campus Cutie
How do I feel? Surprised. Shocked, even, but I guess it just goes to show that standards here are a little different from most places, and that being just a bit eccentric isn’t a bad thing.

What activities/extracurricular are you involved in
I’m in the Princeton University Band and Princeton Wind Ensemble, where I play clarinet, alto sax, and bari sax. I’m a member of Anime Manga Princeton, and I spend a lot of time hanging out with friends, playing video games, reading webcomics, and watching TV. When I can find the time, I try to pick up a good fantasy or sci-fi novel.

Are you single or taken

If you could only bring 3 things to a deserted island, what would they be ?
A sleeping bag, a pillow, and a volleyball. C’mon, who hasn’t seen Cast Away? Wilson’s the best friend a guy could ask for on a deserted piece of sand in the middle of nowhere.

What’s your favorite thing about Princeton ladies?
With so many other colleges, guys worry over the eternal issue of whether it’s better to date a cute girl or a smart one–a dilemma that’s totally nonexistent here. You can really be yourself at Princeton, and there are so many amazing girls who are brilliant AND beautiful.

Tola Emiola is a Princeton undergraduate in the class of 2014. She is an English major, pursuing a certificate in African Studies. She is a member of Princeton's Disiac Dance company, Umqombothi, and Princeton African Students Association. The proud Houstonian likes to dance, sing, read, write, travel, and knit. She's so happy to be part of Her Campus and looks forward to working with her partner in crime, Ajibike, to expand the Princeton branch.