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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

With it definitely being winter now (how’s that weather for you?), it’s about time we talk about winter makeup! I love looking at all of the trends this year. This season is definitely more about holiday party makeup than trying to go for the frosty look. I’m personally not a huge fan of the latter, but I’ve discovered a few tricks to make it not so overwhelming. Here are a few items that you can use to make the most out of this winter season!

1. Cream Eye Shadow- Many of the tutorials that I looked at had a cream/tan eye shadow as a base for the frosty winter look this year. The off-white color is not as harsh as a full-blown white eye shadow and gives a more sophisticated look that is appropriate for a holiday party and for playing in the snow!

2. Bronze Eye Liner- The bronze has a little more shine for the holiday season than the usual brown or black eyeliner. It goes great with the cream eye shadow and is the perfect companion for a sparkly holiday dress without competing with it.

3. Berry Lip Color- I love a darker color for the winter because it matches with the overall mood of the season. I’ve noticed that a darker berry color is making it’s way into a lot of tutorials, but you definitely couldn’t go wrong with a bright red lip either!

4. Mascara- Mascara is normally part of our daily makeup routine for a lot of us. Don’t be afraid to add a few extra coats when going out this winter season! Why not enhance those eyes a little bit more? I would recommend a waterproof version, especially if you are playing in the snow. You never know where those snowballs are coming from!

Have a great holiday season and enjoy all of your holiday makeup opportunities! 

Hi Friends! My name is Sam and I'm a senior Biology major at UP. I'm also the 4th floor RA in Mehling (the best dorm ever)! Here are a few things that I love right now: tea, friends, sunshine, bows, scarves, salted caramel anything, and hand-written letters. I'm so excited to be a member of Her Campus here at UP and can't wait to share new and fun things with everyone!
I like places. I like people. I like stories; every place, and every person has a story. I want to write as many stories about that place and those people until the stories run dry. Which is...never. So I will continue to write. Please, tell me a story.