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Meet Sadie Schroeter!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Name: Sadie Isabel Schroeter

Year: 2018

Major: Civil Engineering

Hometown: Geyserville, California

Activities: I like to do a little bit of everything! I enjoy swimming recreationally and competitively, going on adventures, traveling, and scuba diving. 

Relationship status: Single

Best UP Memory so far: The first day of college had a lot of events that were happening and I remember Villa’s shopping cart races. It was fun and hilarious. 

One UP Bucket list item: I would love to hide inside the library during closed hours! 

Favorite TV Show: Criminal Minds and Parks and Recreation

Current favorite song:  Saola by Odesza

Favorite food: Australian meat pies 

Why UP? I really like the campus and Oregon is pretty cool. It doesn’t have a drought like California. Plus, I wanted a change of scenery from home.

What are your future plans after you graduate? I want to travel, get a job I really love, and do something amazing.Â