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Meet Maddie Ward

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Name: Maddie Ward

Year: Freshman

Major: Business and Spanish

Hometown: Golden, CO

Single or Taken: Taken.

Activities: Women’s basketball team, hiking, crafts, paddle boarding, reading, and napping.

Cove or Commons: Cove.

If you could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive) who would it be: Mother Teresa.

Celeb crush: Liam Hemsworth.

Perfect date: Hiking at sunset.          

Dream vacation destination: Greece.

Deal breaker: Untrustworthy.

Deal Maker: Genuine and kind.

If you had 3 wishes, what would they be:

            1. I wish I wouldn’t procrastinate

            2. I wish ice cream was healthy

            3. I wish I was musically talented in some way

Who would play you in a movie: Jennifer Lawrence.

Favorite movie: The Blind Side.

Favorite band: The Fray.