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Meet Campus Cutie Colin Feldtman!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

1. You play baseball; what has been your fondest memory being on the team?

I would honestly have to say every day is a fond memory.  I’ve tried to soak in this experience playing for the Pilots everyday, especially with graduation coming up.  I try and spend as much time with my teammates because it’s a special bond that can’t be found anywhere else.

2. Since you’re a senior, here comes the dreaded question: Future plans?

Couldn’t really tell you.  I’m hoping to live the dream of playing baseball for as long as I can, but whenever that ends maybe a musician or broadcaster.

3. If you could change one thing in your life right now, what would it be?

Nothing.  I wouldn’t trade the life I live for anything.  I have met so many interesting people on the bluff and I am glad that Portland and the UP Community was the place that helped me learn how to transition into the real world.

4. Other than school and baseball, tell us a little about your interests.

I am really into music. I’ve been drumming for 12 years and singing for two, so it’s something I spend a lot of time practicing.  I like to mess around in the Audio Lab too in the Library and record as well as the practice rooms in Mago Hunt. 

5. Favorite place in Portland to go is…

I’d have to say Mississippi Street.  I don’t get down there that often, but I think it’s such a cool experience with excellent food and odd shops.  It’s a nice change from the busy, crowded streets of downtown.

I like places. I like people. I like stories; every place, and every person has a story. I want to write as many stories about that place and those people until the stories run dry. Which is...never. So I will continue to write. Please, tell me a story.