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Meet Campus Cutie Brett Bankson!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

1. You traveled abroad and speak close to fluent French. How was your time abroad and do you plan on continuing the language?

What I tell people about living and studying abroad usually starts with “It was fantastical and exciting and caffeinated and a whirlwind and….” and ends with “… but after everything, really it was just five months of life in a new place with different people and unfamiliar customs.” The oddest part was how it seemed to me that the rest of the world had been put on pause; skyping or emailing all of a sudden felt like a connection to an entirely different time and place! But in any case, I feel so lucky to have been wined and cheesed and pastried and frenched for five months. Being assimilated into a French family and seeing the reality of family life in a different culture left the biggest impression on me of all my time in Nantes, and is probably the reason that I am keen on returning to France ASAP and incorporating the language into my future. I won’t be taking any more French courses, but I enjoy so many aspects of the culture (aka movies and food) that it’s just inconceivable that I won’t be around the language later in life.


2. Why did you choose UP and what’s your fondest memory here?

I chose UP for the usual reasons, namely good financial aid, solid academics, beautiful campus, and proximity to my home. Two of my close friends from high school also attended UP, and I reasoned that they were cool so probably UP was cool.


3. Future plans?

My future plans center around finding a job, having an apartment or house in Portland with a little herb garden and some cats, still loving the West coast, and hosting dinner parties.


4. Your favorite restaurant in Portland for a nice date is…

Ideal Portland date restaurant would be Tasty & Sons because SMALL PLATES!


    I like places. I like people. I like stories; every place, and every person has a story. I want to write as many stories about that place and those people until the stories run dry. Which is...never. So I will continue to write. Please, tell me a story.