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Meet Campus Celebrity Clare Munger

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Name: Clare Munger

Major: French studies Minor: English and Education 

Year: Junior 

Hometown: Arvada, Colorado 

What activities/clubs are you involved in at UP:

I am the Vice President of the French club. I am in the process of establishing a She’s the First chapter at UP. I have been involved in intramurals. I was recently accepted for the Nicaragua immersion this May.

Can you give a little explanation of She’s the First:

She’s the First is a nonprofit organization that sponsors the secondary education of girls in developing countries, making them the first in their families to receive secondary education.

What made you want to start She’s the First:

I am very passionate about education. I have been blessed to have the opportunity to receive a college education, and I want to extend these opportunities to others who have not been so fortunate. I watched an interview with the founder of She’s the First, Tammy Tibbetts, and strongly agree with her theory that educating young women is an essential element to ending poverty.

Favorite place on campus:

The tree behind Swindells that overlooks the bluff.

Favorite season and why:

Fall because the crisp air is perfect running weather. 
What would be your dream job:

To teach underprivileged children in France or North Africa.




Dorothy Olszyk is a communication studies major at the University of Portland. Her interests are journalism and graphic design. She is from Eugene, OR and she loves her hometown artist Mat Kearney. What Dorothy loves about Portland is the PB&J cart on NW 23rd  St. and the 90's dances at the Crystal Ballroom.