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Looks to Brighten Up Rainy Days

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Living in Portland, or anywhere in the Pacific Northwest, means if you ever had to guess the weather, it is most likely raining. With it raining so often here, we might as well take advantage of the clothing available to us and bring a little brightness to the usually gloomy, rainy days! Here are three staples that any girl living in Portland needs to successfully and stylishly survive the rain.

1.   Raincoat- Raincoats come in all different types of styles and colors along with many purposes for whatever type of terrain you are facing. If you are a city girl, raincoats are a great way to make an outfit stylish, while still keeping cover from the rain, without having to lug around an umbrella. If you are outdoorsy, North Face has a great range of durable raincoats that come in a huge array of colors. Not to mention the gray North Face raincoat in the middle that not only has great structure, but also can keep you dry and looking great!

2.     Rain boots- I love using rain boots as a pop of color with a neutral jacket or even as a neutral with a bold jacket! Because rain boots are so popular now in the Pacific Northwest, there are many styles such as ankle, short, and tall boots, along with an enormous range of colors and patterns to choose from. I’m a sucker for any Hunter boot, but the ankle navy rain boots with the white bow from Yellow Plum have become my favorite. The best part about having rain boots in Portland is that you can wear them any day, because rain is always a possibility! Don’t be afraid to invest in a good pair either because you are sure to get your moneys worth within your first year!

3.   Warm Socks- The unfortunate part about the rainy season in Portland is the bitter cold that often accompanies it. Rain boots don’t usually come insulated, so warm socks are a must! It’s also a trend to show off your warm socks and let them peek over the top of your boot! Fuzzy and wool socks are always a great option. I’ve always had great success at Fred Meyer and Target when I’ve wanted to find cute, and warm long socks to wear with my rain boots! For all you crazy Black Friday shoppers out there, that would be a great time to stock up on warm socks for the winter season!

There is no way you can go wrong with having these three items in your wardrobe. They are the perfect way to keep you nice and dry during the next couple months of rain. No matter what your style is, there are options out there that will fit your personality! Don’t be afraid to invest, you definitely won’t regret it! Bundle up and stay dry!


Hi Friends! My name is Sam and I'm a senior Biology major at UP. I'm also the 4th floor RA in Mehling (the best dorm ever)! Here are a few things that I love right now: tea, friends, sunshine, bows, scarves, salted caramel anything, and hand-written letters. I'm so excited to be a member of Her Campus here at UP and can't wait to share new and fun things with everyone!
I like places. I like people. I like stories; every place, and every person has a story. I want to write as many stories about that place and those people until the stories run dry. Which is...never. So I will continue to write. Please, tell me a story.