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How to Battle Your Worst Enemy: Finals Week

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

I don’t know about you guys, but studying for finals week is really putting a damper on my ability to lie out and enjoy the sun. All this work that professors expect us to do at the end of the semester, as the weather gets nicer, can be quite ridiculous. Lucky for you, we’ve compiled a list of ten things to help you make it through the week a happier, healthier person!

1. Dress comfortably. Nothing is worse than spending hours in the library to study after giving a presentation in your Marketing class. Business casual does not equal comfort clothing. Bring a change of comfy clothes (no pajamas please!) so your clothes can provide the start to a conducive study environment. 

2. Take 10 minutes to create an epic study playlist! Good music keeps you motivated and best of all happy.

3. Make a list of everything you need to get done from now until summer break. It may seem daunting, but staying organized will help you stress less. 

4. Find a good study buddy – someone you enjoy being around, but you can also be productive with. 

5. Spend 20 minutes doing something purely for fun. YouTube, Pinterest (my personal favorite), coloring book, whatever. But set a limit! It can be hard to stop distracting yourself.

6. Laugh. In stressful times, we often don’t get enough laughter. Friends are good at encouraging this. So are funny animal YouTube videos. Pick your poison.

7. Stay hydrated! Water, tea, Gatorade, whatever it may be.

8. Pack snacks because the Commons is kind of far from the library. And not junk food “snacks.” I’m talkin’ fruit, nuts, granola bars – food packed with protein and other nutrients.

9. Spend some time alone, whether it’s a quick trip to a nearby coffee joint or a leisurely walk around the block. Finals are stressful for everyone. Don’t let another person’s stress rub off on you. 

10. Remember this: it’ll all be over after May 3rd. (That’s only a week away, if you weren’t counting!)

Hailing from eastern Washington, Julia attends the University of Portland in Oregon, as a Communication Studies major with an emphasis on Journalism. As a magazine and book junkie, Julia reads everything (and anything) she can get her hands on, especially those passionate on young adult culture and entertainment. A woman that gets stir-crazy easily, Julia has been fortunate to have traveled many summers in a row to foreign countries, including a study abroad course in Austria, Germany, and Great Britain. Since a ripe age, she has grown and cultivated her passion and dream of working for a magazine and spreading awareness as well as happiness through the tips of her fingers. Always finding time for herself, Julia can frequently be found quoting movie lines (most frequently Will Ferrell or Vince Vaughn), having a 90's dance party with her roommates, or rereading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" for the 40th time.