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Faux Fur-Love it or Leave it!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

Fur as fashion has been a topic of debate for years. Obviously, faux fur is the way to go because the idea of wearing real fur is actually awful. Especially now with the cold weather suddenly upon us, having a jacket or vest with a little faux fur seems more and more appealing. I asked a few of my friends what they thought of when wearing a piece of clothing with faux fur on it and the responses ranged from, “Um. Duh.” to “I’m still traumatized by the fur vest my mom used to make me wear to school when I was younger. So… not a fan.”

Clearly the faux fur trend lies in the eye of the beholder. Personally, I’m not sure that I could rock a full on faux fur anything, but I love the idea of a little fur trim on a vest or jacket. Keep in mind that you should be careful washing any clothing with fur on it because there is a good chance the fur could be ruined by the harsh settings on the washer and dryer. Make sure that your washing machine is set to a gentle setting and definitely do not put your item in the dryer! Let it air dry and you will be good to go!

Here are a few examples of items with fur on them that have major potential. The great part about a full faux fur coat or vest is that it’s definitely a fashion statement and it is sure to make you stand out. What I love about faux fur trim is that it frames the face (which is great when you are all bundled up), but still lets everyone know that you are a fashionista! Regardless of what you think, don’t be afraid to try an item with fur on it! You never know what something looks like until you try it on!  

Hi Friends! My name is Sam and I'm a senior Biology major at UP. I'm also the 4th floor RA in Mehling (the best dorm ever)! Here are a few things that I love right now: tea, friends, sunshine, bows, scarves, salted caramel anything, and hand-written letters. I'm so excited to be a member of Her Campus here at UP and can't wait to share new and fun things with everyone!
I like places. I like people. I like stories; every place, and every person has a story. I want to write as many stories about that place and those people until the stories run dry. Which is...never. So I will continue to write. Please, tell me a story.