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5 Productive Study Breaks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Portland chapter.

With fall break only weeks away, the last thing on your mind is midterm season (ugg). Why lock yourself in a library study room until 2 AM when you can try these fun (and productive) study breaks!

1. Update your Linkedin Profile

Sure, you update your FB status on the daily, but what about Linkedin? Linkedin is a powerful networking tool and an absolute MUST in this day and age. Take 10 minutes to refresh your profile with a professional photo, a eye-catching headline and updated work experience.

2. Get your sweat on!

Sitting for hours in “the lib” can take a toll on your energy…and your legs! Studies show that exercise actually acts as a stress reliever, so get your blood pumping for 5-10 minutes. YouTube is FULL of free workout videos for you to take advantage of! Our favorites? Blogilates and Tone It Up.

3. Train Your Brain

Now that you’ve energized your body, time to energize your brain! Take a break from reading (and re-reading) your notes and try filling out a crossword puzzle, or a word finder. Awesome websites like Lumosity and Brain Games by National Geographic make it easy for you to engage your brain in fun ways.

4. Read…For Fun

Remember your pre-college life, when you had time to actually read for fun? Taste a glimpse of your past by carving out 5-10 minutes to catch up on the news, career sites, blogs, whatever it is you like to read!

5. Learn a New Skill

If you are ready for a 20 minute study break, consider learning a new skill through Lynda.com! Lynda offers thousands of tutorials on everything from coding to Photoshop to leadership and design. The best part? You have a FREE membership to Lynda through UP! Visit go.up.edu for more info.

Hanna attends the University of Portland and is studying Marketing with a minor in Communication Studies. Getting lost, adventuring in the Pearl on a cloudy afternoon and eventually ending up in a local coffee shop are some of Hanna’s greatest pleasures in life. Hanna hopes to pursue a career in public relations upon graduation and plans to adopt the “City of Roses” as her new home. She is an avid writer and loves spending time with her favorite American authors, Ernest Hemingway and Kurt Vonnegut, with a good cup of coffee and a cozy blanket. Hanna is the Campus Correspondent and Editor-In-Chief for Her Campus Portland.