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Sexual Violence Poetry Series: Pt. 2

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.





I’ll Smile When My Body Is Not Thought to Be Entitled to Someone

By: Jacqueline Roberts –Kpan


There were instant sparks the first time we met.

He caught my eye the moment I turned the corner.

His dark brown eyes, slick well-kept hair, nice smile, and tall muscular frame had me at hello.

I remember he said, “I knew you’d be mine.”


I was head over heels since we met

And I believed nothing could tarnish the connection of lovers.

I’d proclaim my love for him to the world if I could bellow,

Scream and shout that I was his and he was mine.


I was in a whirlwind of bliss as the feelings I let

Engulf me completely, not caring or worrying about the watchers

That may have caught a glimpse of our profound passion, a kiss or three, a grab down low

It didn’t matter where we were, what time of day, or who saw because “no one could take what’s mine.”


I remember how he looked at me, as if the darkness of his brown eyes soul met

And connected with mine, it was electrical and thrilling like a roller coaster

Taking me up and around and I didn’t care if my heart skipped a beat, I’d never be low

Enough to touch the ground, he always said, “I’ll take care of mine.”


Then one day I realized the whirlwind of bliss vanished and left

A shattered and battered girl afraid to look at those same people who gazed in wonder

Because there were two people in such a consuming affection enough to be damaging

But I never saw what they did. I was blind.


The scrunched sheets beneath my hands left

Beams of heat and pain as he came forcefully down on top of me, all I could do is wonder

Why? And How? And When we got to this point, a point where the concerning

Guy I once fell in love with would disregard my words and leave me blind.


I couldn’t see out of my right eye for three days as he left

It bruised and swollen like a festering sting from a wasp, I wonder

If he even saw me anymore? Was I just another plump body to him? An appealing

Piece of something delectable that only caused lust and greed and left him blind?


I was and I couldn’t live like that anymore because there was almost nothing left.

The two years we spent together began as such a fantasy, something too good to be true, I didn’t want to wonder,

If that would ever come true, but look where I am now and look how far that got us. I wasn’t appealing.

And I hated him for that, I hated him for believing everything was fine.


I was the only one in control of me and so I did what I had to and left.

Darkness swept over me as my sweat and tears trickled together, I couldn’t see anything but the feeling I would have being free.

No more looking over my shoulder, no more patronizing me, no more using your fists to keep me by your side

“I am not your property, you’re not in control of my body.”  Was the last voicemail to his phone as I gazed into the night sky on the bus ride, good-bye.