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Love and Loathe: Point Park Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

Every collegiette can agree that their school school has its peaks and it’s pitfalls, the things we love and the things we love…not so much. There’s always things around campus we share a bittersweet relationship with, and while we love and appreciate our campus quirks, we love to complain even more. Here are a few Park University staples that we all seem to love and loathe at the same time!

  • The Student Center Gym

Why we love it: This new facility on campus is actually pretty spectacular with its state-of-the-art equipment galore! If we have to sweat, at least we can do it in style. There’s no doubt this is the place to spot the best eye candy. But contrary to popular belief, drooling over cuties isn’t physical activity.

Why we loathe it: You will most likely recognize every single person that stands before you. Everyone. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather get my sweat glands pumping around strangers who won’t be able to bring it up with me in future conversation.

  • Campus Hauntings

Why we love it: Even before any of us decided to attend Point Park University I’m sure we all heard the tales of…THE SHUFFLER! Spooky, right? It actually is kind of awesome to attend a school recognized nationally for being paranormally active. It makes for great late night adventures around campus to the old children’s day care and the Pittsburgh Playhouse!

Why we loathe it: The fact that our campus is haunted is actually terrifying for some! When you have a freaky encounter, whether it your friends playing a practical joke or an actual spirit from the underworld, sometimes you’d rather say your school wasn’t of the paranormal persuasion.

  • Pittsburgh Winters

Why we love it: Snow, snow, and more snow! The moonlit, horse-drawn carriage rides, the twinkle lights, and the beautiful white blanket that covers the city make Pittsburgh winters so charming. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that most teachers live outside of the city and will usually cancel classes because of risky commutes.

Why we loathe it: Snow, snow, and more snow! It’s all a winter wonderland at first, but after falling on that same patch of ice outside of the University Center for the tenth time, you’re ready for the summer sun again.


  • The Waterfall

Why we love it: The waterfall in Village Park really does add elegance to our campus. It sets us apart, and is something you would not expect from a university located downtown. It also never fails to impress your ‘rents on Family Weekend.

Why we loathe it: We’ve all done it. You’re not paying attention while walking past the park, and get drenched in what seems to be a tsunami wave of un-purified Pittsburgh city water unleashed by the falls. Let’s not forget about the homeless folk who use it as their personal lavatory.

  • The Shuttles

Why we love it: They’re the most convenient way to get from Oakland to downtown, and they are free. Who doesn’t love free, am I right? But the best part is getting on a shuttle where the driver is playing your latest jam, and you forget if you’re in the club or commuting to class!

Why we loathe it: When we say the shuttles are convenient, we didn’t mean they were quick. Few feelings compare to the in the pit of your stomach when you see the break lights turning off and the big, white PPU ad rolling away. It could be a good twenty minutes before another shows.

  • The Party Scene

Why we love it: When a PPU party is good…they’re amazing! Fashion is key here, so everybody looks like they stepped out of one of those blockbuster college party movies. The dance floor is packed, and everyone knows how to work it like an overly choreographed Step Up film. And, most importantly, everybody goes hard! (Maybe a little too hard, but after the week those musical theatre majors had, who wouldn’t?)

Why we loathe it: When a PPU party is bad…they’re like your grandma’s 95th birthday party bad. Oakland is a hit or miss, enough said.  

  • The Boys

Why we love it: It’s nice that our campus isn’t full of misogynistic creeps cat-calling after us. Honestly, you can just leave it up to the men of Pittsburgh for that.

Why we loathe it: Being a single collegiette on a manhunt is a challenge here. If there is a straight man spotted on the Point Park savanna, there are only three options. 1. He won’t be single. 2. He won’t be into you. Or 3. He’ll be the angsty type with commitment issues. Props to the few and the mighty that found love in a hopeless place… we commend you!

So that concludes list, which hopefully doesn’t end up on your love/loathe list! HCxo

Fun, flirty, and fabulous cinema major at Point Park University in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania!