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How To Keep Your New Years Resolutions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

February: the shortest month of the year that some how seems to stretch on for all eternity.  This is also the month where most people tend to forget about their New Year’s resolutions.  It’s freezing cold out; why would anyone want to exercise when they can snuggle in bed?  How can anyone cut back on coffee when it keeps you alert and warm? Whatever your resolutions may be, it can often be difficult to stick to them, or even remember them.  Below is a list of ways to keep your New Year’s resolutions for more than the month of January:

1. Make the goals realistic

Not touching ice cream for all of 2015 will most likely not happen and, when you do break your will-power, you will only feel bad about yourself.  Change your resolution to something more realistic, like limiting your ice cream intake to once a month.  Rather than making a goal to work out every single day when you know there will be some days where you’re out of town, too busy, or just simply not motivated, adjust the resolution to something like working out three times per week.  Making the resolution more achievable will make you more likely to stick to it and less likely to get discouraged.

2. Have someone to hold you accountable

Your mom, your sister, your best friend; anyone who you trust to encourage you to stick to your goals is a good candidate to tell.  Having someone to kindly guide you back on track when you make a mistake is a helpful way to keep those resolutions throughout the entire year.

3. Write them down

Whether it be on a Post-It note on your mirror, in your planner, or in your notebook in the middle of class, writing your resolution down will make it that much easier to remember them.  If your resolution is a legitimate action, such as going to the gym, setting aside time and writing it in a planner or on a calendar will make you more likely to actually do it.

4. Make it something you really want

Do you love to read but don’t seem to have enough time?  Make your resolution to read a certain number of books per month.  Do you hate going to the gym but love being active? Make your resolution to go for more walks or take up a yoga class.  Making your resolution something that you really want and something that you are excited to do rather than dreading it will make keeping the resolution up all year that much easier.

5. Don’t beat yourself up if you mess up

So you didn’t drink as much water this week as you wanted to drink.  That’s okay.  Make sure to do better next week.  So you didn’t keep up on the news as intently as you planned to this week.  Again, that’s okay.  Realizing that you will make mistakes and not constantly be on top of your resolutions and being okay with it will keep you from getting discouraged and giving up on the resolution all together.

With the help of these tips, make 2015 the year that you finally keep your resolutions, whatever they may be.  

Alyssa Edwards, sophomore Sports, Arts, and Entertainment Management major at Point Park University, Works part-time at American Eagle Outfitters.  Lover of cats, adventures, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, and ballet. 
Lexie Mikula is senior Mass Communications major at Point Park University from Harrisburg, PA. Lexie held the position of Campus Correspondent and contributing editor-in-chief of HC Point Park from May 2014 - May 2016. In addition to social journalism and media, she enjoys rainy days in the city, dogs with personality, watching The Goonies with her five roommates (and HC teammates!), and coffee... copious amounts of coffee.