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How To Get Out Of An Abusive Relationship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

Take meaningful action: 

1. Recognize various forms of abuse: Physical, Emotional and Sexual

2. End the relationship as soon as possible

    1. Depending on how servere the abuse is, some more preparation in leaving may be needed to keep it safe to leave
      1. Look up the numbers of a domestic abuse shelter in your area or call the national hotline 1-800-799- SAFE (7233) 
  1. Leave asap but make sure you have a few essentials before you do
        1. A place to stay
        2. Contact info for a lawyer
        3. Transportation
        4. A safe window of time to leave 
  2. If necessary, open a separate bank account and put aside money
    1. If your abuser is someone you have financial ties to, start to put aside some  money so when you leave you won’t have to worry about money at first
  3. Prepare an overnight bag
    1. If you ever need to be able to leave at any moments notice then you can grab your bag an leave
      1. Hide the bag somewhere the abuser cant find it 
      2. Store your prescription meds, legal identification, clothing, and some toiletries that will get you buy if you need to leave in a hurry 
  4. Document the abuse
    1. IF you ever have toface tour absure in court, hard evidence with help you get a restraiing order, win a custody and ensure this will never happen again
      1. IF possible try and record some of the abusive things that are being said to you
      2. Take pictures of the physical abuse 
      3. Report it to the authorities so they can further document it and help you seek medical attention 
  5. Also remember that it is not your fault
    1. You did not deserve to be abused  and could not have done anything to do to keep your partner from becoming abusive 

Severing Contact

  1. Stop seeing your abuser immediately
    1. Even if this means you have to move out, it is necessary 
    2. You need to avoid places 3where you might risk running into them
  2. Change tour locks and passwords
    1. If you live in your own house, you might want to change the lock so  you ex does not have a chance to come back into your house if they have a key 
    2. You will also want to change your important passwords like on  your social media, banking, email or work so your exc can’t impersonate you
  3. Block your ex on your phone, email, and social media
    1. Do this so they cannot have any contact with you and can’t see what you are doing or where you are
      1. If harassment does begin again even after blocking change your contact info 
  4. Confide in your loved ones
    1. Once you’ve left spend a lot of time around the ones who you really trust and love 
    2. Find a support group that will help you stay the course and move on with your life.
  5. Consider filling formal charges
    1. This way there is no way your abuser can come near you without him having to go to jail 

Moving on 

1. Give it time

  1. Eventually you will find a loving, healthy relationship
    1. Do not rush into looking for a relationship again
    2. Give yourself time to help yourself 
  2. Consider attending a domestic violence support group
    1. These people understand what you are going through
      1. Don’t try to go through this alone 
  3. Get busy doing other things
    1. Getting involved in other activities can keep you occupied and keep your mind way from thinking of the abuse 

In time everything will get better, but if you are in a abusive relationship right now please seek help.  

Freshman Sports, Arts, and Entertainment Management Major at Point Park University. I tend to go to way too many concerts and hockey games. Social media girl for the @hcpointpark Twitter & Instagram. #HXCO
Lexie Mikula is senior Mass Communications major at Point Park University from Harrisburg, PA. Lexie held the position of Campus Correspondent and contributing editor-in-chief of HC Point Park from May 2014 - May 2016. In addition to social journalism and media, she enjoys rainy days in the city, dogs with personality, watching The Goonies with her five roommates (and HC teammates!), and coffee... copious amounts of coffee.