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Her Story: Why Having A Divorced Family Doesn’t Suck

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

Fairly often children with separated parents are asked: Does having a divorced family suck? Surely it’s difficult at first and stays that way for some people, but in my case it honestly doesn’t.

My Mom and Dad met at a young age and married in their early 20’s. They had my older sister and I and things were good at first. We were the Brown family, together and happy.

Once I turned seven, things changed. My Mom left my Dad because they just weren’t happy anymore. My parents had to start all over, my sister, Tristan and I had to start all over. It was rough at first, we went back and forth every day from parent to parent.

My Dad had learn to cook and my Mom had to go back to work. I wasn’t old enough to really understand my parents separation but I had Tristan to guide me and we were really there for each other through those tough times.

Then when I was ten, things changed even more. Both of my parents got remarried! My Dad married my step-mom, Steph. She had two boys named Tyler and Koi. Tyler was a year older than me and Koi is three years younger than me. It was different having brothers but I’d never change them for the world. They helped make me who I am today. I learned how to fish, hunt, and ride ATV’s… and know how to crash them. These boys always had my back.


My Mom married my step-dad, Jason. He had no children, it was just him. He’s a few years younger than my mother, which I thought was strange at first but he grew on me. He was in fourth grade when my Mom graduated high school. You can do the math.

I had two families and there was difficult times, but I had two families that loved me very much and supported each other.

I was blessed even more when I turned eleven. My Mom gave birth to my little half-sister, Meghan. It was crazy thinking that I was going to be a big sister! This little girl was going to be my side-kick, my partner in crime.

I felt like starting over again was the best thing for my parents and for me. Now, my parents are both very happy with their families. My brothers are like my protectors and I have so much love for them. Meghan is now nine and she is amazing. Everytime I talk to her I see so much of myself in her. She makes me so proud to be a big sister. Last but not least, my older sister Tristan. I still come to her for advice and we still stick together when things get rough. Not to mention, I just watched her get married this past summer and I can’t wait to see her start her own family.

So no, having a divorced family doesn’t suck. I have two great families that would anything for me and I would do anything for them. I love them all.

Lexie Mikula is senior Mass Communications major at Point Park University from Harrisburg, PA. Lexie held the position of Campus Correspondent and contributing editor-in-chief of HC Point Park from May 2014 - May 2016. In addition to social journalism and media, she enjoys rainy days in the city, dogs with personality, watching The Goonies with her five roommates (and HC teammates!), and coffee... copious amounts of coffee.