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HC Point Park Launch Day Giveaway Winners!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

Her Campus Point Park staff members Allie & Nikki announce the winners of the Her Campus Point Park Launch Day Giveaway, where four of our lucky Facebook fans will receive a “Surviving College In Style” campus tote! 

Congratulations to Jessica, Ally, Madison, and Kayla, and shoutout to everyone who helped make our launch day such a success!

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Allie Duda

Point Park

Allison (Allie) Duda is a sophomore Mass Communications major. She loves all aspects in the media, and hopes to dabble in all of it someday. In her free time, she enjoys going to museums, doing freelance photography work, spending time with loved ones, shopping, and watching tv/films. Check out her website at www.allisonduda.wordpress.com
Nicolette Kalafatis is a cinema production student (class of '17) at Point Park University. Nicolette joined Her Campus because she has always had an interest in writing, especially journalism. With a love of learning, she enjoys writing articles that bring unique things to readers' attention. When she was younger, Nicolette dreamed of working for a fashion magazine. Today, she plans to follow her dreams into film, but plans to keep writing, whether for a company or on her own on her wordpress. Nicolette's favorite thing about Her Campus is that she has met so many incredible people through it, and she has become friends with people that she may have never even met had it not been for Her Campus. She plans to encourage as many people as possible to join no matter their major. Nicolette hopes to take Her Campus Point Park to new horizons alongside the chapter's Campus Correspondants. She is very happy to be a part of the chapter since its first year and is excited to see how it grows and gets better.