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Downtown’s Holiday Market

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

Happy finals week Collegiettes! Nothing relieves stress like a little retail therapy! And what better place to go than down the street to Market Square?


This is the third year in a row that the People’s Holiday Market has been in Market Square and you MUST stop by before you go home for break! There are vendors from four continents at the market this year! So there are quality products from North America, Africa, Asia, and Europe and they are so brilliantly made that you’ll want to buy things from every place! The prices are pretty affordable for a college budget, but there definitely items that are “Splurge” items. But it’s the holiday season and these vendors could be considered small businesses, so really consider spending those extra few bucks!


There are items that are holiday themed, winter themed, and not themed so you could get something and gift it year-round! And, the vendors selling the items are SO NICE. They can tell you everything about an item and something they say could lead to an entrée conversation! (Whether you like that or not is your choice, but at least you know they are friendly!)


Also, there are performances that will be happening on the stage in the center of it all. Everything from carolers to choirs to singers and bands. And these entertainers are there from 11:30 am to 9 pm. The market opens at 11 am everyday and closes at 8pm Mon.-Thur., 9:30pm Fri.-Sat., and 6pm Sun. So, if you don’t have any finals to take one day, think about stopping by the holiday market and checking out some potential (and AWESOME) gifts for loved ones this holiday season!

Good luck on finals Collegiettes! You can totally do this!

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Anna Rigatti

Point Park

Anna is a JUNIOR Cinema Production major at Point Park University. This is her second year on the HC Point Park team. Anna is the Video Content Editor for the chapter. She works at a local assisted living facility being waitress, kind of and as a camp counselor at Camp Kon-O-Kwee Spencer in the summers. Besides watching and making movies, Anna enjoys hanging out with friends, napping, telling bad jokes, and crying over One Direction & 5 Seconds of Summer. As a commuter Anna has had a lot of time to think about great tweets to post, so if you'd like to view them, click here: www.twitter.com/nnarigatoni