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College Dating: Why It’s Hard (And Why It’s Worth It)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

Dating in college can be a very difficult thing. These four years of your life are incredibly busy, and incredibly important too. You’re overwhelmed with classes, internships, jobs, and maintaining a decent social life. So why even bother with dating? Well, for many people college isn’t the right time for a relationship, but some can’t help but find themselves falling for someone. It can be hard, but if you’re willing to put in the extra effort, here is why it’s all worth it:

  1. You get healthy time away from your friends. In college, it can be incredibly difficult to take a break from your social circle, especially because many people live on campus or even with their friends in the same residence hall or dorm. When you have a significant other, you can vent to someone outside of your friend group about any drama, and you don’t have to worry about the implications.

  2. You can make new friends. If you’re dating someone who isn’t from your usual social circle, you have the opportunity to get to know their friends. It never hurts to meet new people. Plus, by looking at who your significant other is friends with, you can tell a lot about what kind of person they are.

  3. The options for dates are endless. As a college student, you get discounts on everything, so it’s the perfect time to go on dates that are exciting and different! There are discounted meals, admission to museums, concerts, and even sporting events (just to name a few). Plus, there’s always the classic Netflix & pizza option..

  4. You get a taste of adult relationships. Dating in college is completely different than dating in high school. You choose when you want to spend time together, and for how long. You also get to learn what it’s like to compromise with someone else’s schedule. The level of commitment is entirely up to you and your SO!

  5. You get to see yourself become someone new. College is certainly one of the most vibrant, memorable things in life. You meet hundreds of new people and you experience countless new things. Those experiences shape you and who you will become in life. When you share that time with someone, you get to watch yourself grow in the eyes of that person. A college relationship acts, in a way, like a benchmark. Even if that means ending a relationship you thought would last well beyond college, it proves to yourself that you’ve grown, you’ve learned lessons about life, and you’re a more well rounded person now.

So if you’re stuck on how to feel about a serious relationship in college, weigh out your options. It’s going to take time and a lot of extra effort, but remember all the reasons why its worth it!


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Lexie Mikula is senior Mass Communications major at Point Park University from Harrisburg, PA. Lexie held the position of Campus Correspondent and contributing editor-in-chief of HC Point Park from May 2014 - May 2016. In addition to social journalism and media, she enjoys rainy days in the city, dogs with personality, watching The Goonies with her five roommates (and HC teammates!), and coffee... copious amounts of coffee.