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Campus Cutie: Lauren Crisan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

A star on the rise; that’s the only true way you can describe sophomore Lauren Crisan (you might just know her as Lauren Dolores). This creative writing major is rocking Point Park University with her sassy personality, hilarious Twitter, and beautiful smile. She is a force to be reckoned with and Her Campus got to chat with the upcoming icon.  

Name: Lauren Crisan

Age: 19

Hometown: Sharon, PA

High School: Kennedy Catholic High School

Sign: “Gemini (I know the Internet hates me)”

Interest: “Comedy! The Internet! Internet Comedy!”

Life motto: “‘It’s fine.’ My belief- if you say something is fine enough, sure enough it will be fine.”

Dream Job: “I would love to be the first female host of The Tonight Show, also I could literally be a janitor at SNL and probably be happy.”

Favorite Movies: “The Nightmare Before Christmas, Moonrise Kingdom, Guardians of the Galaxy, and literally ANYTHING with Paul Rudd. He is my NUMBER ONE hunny. My insta name is literally mrspaulrudd… My fav of his is Our Idiot Brother.”

Favorite Music: “I guess I’m primarily into rock? Whether it be indie, alternative or punk, I’m pretty into it. Also a fan of most pop and hip hop.”

Favorite Artist: “So hard to narrow it down to just one! Lately my two favorites have been Passion Pit and Catfish and the Bottlemen. Always a massive fan of Queen and The Beatles.”

Favorite book: Anything written by Chuck Palahniuk, my personal favorite is Invisible Monsters!

Favorite tv show: “Weeds! I’ve watched it from start to finish roughly 7-8 times”

Celebrity crush: “Other than my hunny P. Ruddy, Harry Styles makes my heart very happy. The hair! The height! The hands! The tattoos! The dumb jokes! The wonderful outlook on life! Love him”

Demi Lovato Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus?: “Miley! She’s a mess but a mess my friends and I have grown to love, also Demi got on my bad side when she locked her twin sister Poot in the basement #JUSTICE4POOTLOVATO”

Cup half full or half empty: “Always half full! I’m a very firm believer in the power of positivity. My current lock screen is a thing that says ,’It’s not all sunshine and roses, but a good amount of it actually is,’ and I think that’s a really lovely motto to live by!”

Fun fact: “My order @ Dunkin Donuts is a medium iced coffee with cream, sugar, and coconut. It is essentially my bloodstream.”

Dream Travel destination: “I would love to go to Iceland! I heard the people are very pleasant and they believe in fairies there and I think that’s just wonderful.”

If Britney can make it through 2007, you can…….: “Survive a 12 hour long care ride with your brother who loves country music. I did it once, I lived to tell the tale.”

Where do you hope to be in 10 years: “Ideally famous, ideally married to one of my favorite celebrity hunnies, ideally POWERFUL, ideally still funny, ideally very happy.”


Brendan Dazen was born June 10th, 1994 in Pittsburgh, Pa. As a child he particapted in such activities as soccer, dance, theater, baseball, and singing. He grew up to love theater and music so much. He even landed a "Best Newcomer" award for Peters Township High School's theater department . He now attends Point Park University for Sports, Arts, and Entertainment Management. He wanted to become a member of HerCampus because he wanted to share his thoughts and ideas of pop culture, music, and fashion with his campus, and hopefully other schools. Brendan has a strong interset in Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, sunflowers, fashion, adventutres, photography, concerts, and dance. He hopes in the future to be a production manager.
Lexie Mikula is senior Mass Communications major at Point Park University from Harrisburg, PA. Lexie held the position of Campus Correspondent and contributing editor-in-chief of HC Point Park from May 2014 - May 2016. In addition to social journalism and media, she enjoys rainy days in the city, dogs with personality, watching The Goonies with her five roommates (and HC teammates!), and coffee... copious amounts of coffee.